Every Halloween I have tried to make the kids their costumes to save money. This has worked so far but next year I am going to have a 4 yr old, 2.5 yr old and 10 month old to dress up and I don’t know if I will have the time to make 3 costumes. I might come up with some cute home made idea but if I don’t I am so glad that Costume Discounters is an affordable online store I can turn to!
They have amazing deals and a fun selection of children’s costumes.
This Halloween I am going to dress my children up Star Wars theme. And I know I am biased, but doesn’t David make the cutest Chewbaca?

I had a difficult time deciding from their selection! It was either Chewbaca or Yoda…..and David would have made a really cute Yoda too.
David is pretty tall for his age, currently wearing 24 month pants (he is about 32 inches tall). According to their size chart I chose the “Toddler” size. It fit him perfect. I love how the legs velcro to make getting on and off easier, and diaper changes are way easy this way too.
I also love that while it is made very warm (great for October nights here in KS) the hairy patches are not covering the entire costume.
Definitely check out Costume Discounters for tons of baby, toddler, child and adult Halloween costumes!
This post was written for Family Review Network & Costume Discounters who provided the complimentary product in exchange for my honest review.
Awww! That is very cute!
very very cute
He is so adorable! My husband would DIE! He is a die hard fanatic for Star Wars. Me… not so much. Although I know one day my kids will be dressed up as something. I bet Hunter would love that. Maybe for this Halloween I’ll give in.
Thanks for sharing your adorable Chewbacca Annie!
This Chewbaca is way cuter than those Ewok critters ;D
Wow! That costume is awesome! I have never seen one that small. So cool! I heart Costumer Discounters 🙂