It is settled. For my birthday I am getting an eReader. I tried one out and finished an entire fictional book in 2 weeks! So I am definitely getting an eReader. I was chatting with a friend at church about which one I should get – Nook or Kindle? She is madly in love with her Kindle. But she was very vocal about a policy has that frustarated her immensely – they don’t work with libraries to lend out ebooks! The Nook does, but the Kindle does not. She was so frustrated that she said she might just save up her money to buy the Nook just so she can read books from the library on it and have her Kindle for Amazon books she wants to buy.
I know this is not a new thing – heck there was an article in the Salt Lake Tribune last September. But you’d think with as popular and inexpensive the Kindle is, they would allow their kindle ebooks to be used with libraries.
Even though you cannot use your Kindle to borrow books from your local library like you can with a Nook, there are quite a few sites on the Kindle page that have free classics and out of print books. I really appreciate this, it is a move in the right direction. But I would still rather borrow a book for free from the library that is not out of print yet, ya know?
I searched and could not find’ reasoning behind not working with American libraries to lend out free ebooks.
I am still torn between the Kindle and the Nook. The Nook color sounds awesome actually. But the Kindle still has the “e-ink” that works in bright sunlight, and I earn gift cards through my blog so I could get free books.
Hmmm, hard choice! I wonder how many titles are available at libraries for Nook. If it wouldn’t really benefit you that much (or if they wouldn’t have the titles you want) I’d go ahead and go for the Kindle!
I am not sure how many are available right now, but it won’t be long before there are a ton more and people are regularly lending books from their library via their eReaders.
You are right – the library option isn’t all that important to me so I will probably go with the Kindle. Thankfully my bday is August so I have time to make sure I am making the right decision LOL
i only have kindle on my smart phone but i won’t pay for books. we onlyhave the freebies.
That is the way to go! I love the classics the best anyways!
I have the kindle and I’m getting the nook soon, so I’ll let you know.
Yes!! Definitely let me know which is your favorite! I am dying to know the differences
I haven’t purchased either because of the library thing. I rarely pay for books and would much rather check a book out for free. As much as I hate it, this is definitely a money thing from Amazon’s perspective. Why would they allow a library to loan the book out for free when they could make money on each copy read?
I’m not a big ereader fan but I think that I’d go with the Nook.