Perhaps it is just her generation, but I feel like Lizzie and David are just smarter than me.
Ok, not yet. I mean, I am still an adult and they are babies. But Lizzie knows how to work my iMac, iPad and iPod touch. She can open iTunes, find her movie and push play. She is going to be four years old in June!
When I was her age, the year was 1988. They didn’t have home computers, but even if they did I am sure I couldn’t do all that. However, I was able to read before I got to kindergarten. So I know they get their smarts from me, right? Yes, but somebody is really good with numbers – like human calculator good. When we do our budgeting together, I will ramble off numbers to him and he’ll just figure them out in his head.
So while I can read and comprehend faster than he can, he can figure out math problems way faster than I will ever dream of.
If my kids take after him, I’m in trouble. They will come home from school and I’ll need a math tutor so I can help them with their calculus in 8th grade.
Anyone else have kids smarter than them, or feel like they will be?
I know what you mean because I know my 9 year old is and my 7 year is working on it.
Yes, Annie, you and your siblings are way smarter than I was at your age.
Love, Dad
I feel this way all the time! My 15 month old can turn on our iPad, go to YouTube & play her Yo Gabba Gabba videos. Then my 4 year old son can read pretty well, already knows all this states and can sing them to you in alphabetical order, he can recognize them by their shape and when you write them down. He is now learning the state capitals as well. He also knows where about 20 countries are on a map. He just turned 4 in January. I am constantly telling my (super smart) hubby that I really feel so dumb already and our son hasn’t even started school yet!
you were reading novels in the kengarden . wow…; yes wow.
I hear ya. I got my iPad when Violet was 18 months old. Now, a year later, she has far more knowledge of how to use it than I do. She has been finding and playing her games for months, and picking which movies/shows she wants to watch. Even I forget how to do that sometimes!
Isn’t it CRAZY how quickly kids figure out technology? Both of my kids (3 and 18 months) can work my phone and my husband’s ipad. Ridiculous!
My 7 and 8 year old beat me in Scrabble…and I was an honors student!! They aren’t that handy with technology yet because they haven’t been given it that much. But I’m sure once they have the chance they’ll pass me up without a problem.
Yes, I know exactly what you’re talking about! I distinctly remember when I told my kids that they were officially smarter than me now. LOL
It’s crazy how good they are at with technology.
I know, I can’t believe what kids today know. My two figured out how to use the “swipe” motion on the iPhone as toddlers. I was amazed. It also baffles me to think that they will never remember trying to use a mouse for the first time. Remember that? It was so weird and hard to control, now it’s like second nature – especially to kids.
Sounds like you have a a real math whiz on your hands – that’s awesome! I hope my kids are better in math than me but also understand the love for a good book.
I am always absolutely amazed at how much kids know about technology! Some of the kids I baby-sit know more than I do about it! They have to help me when I am over at their house! Lol.
My daughter told me the other day that she was “so much smarter” than me when we were playing a matching game and I let her win. See what I get for my efforts?!