I am astounded by the differences in all three of my children. From what they like to wear, to their general behaviors, all three are incredibly different. Now that Lucy is 5 months old (already?!) I am going to share photos of the others as babies too.
Above is Lizzie at 5 months old. From the day I brought her home from the hospital she refused to sleep anywhere but in my arms. Literally, in my arms. That arms-reach co-sleeper? Didn’t work. Car rides were almost impossible. She had a 30-45 minute limit. After that, she started to scream and the only cure was getting out of her carseat. She didn’t like to sleep in the car and at almost 4 years old this is finally changing. She was also very picky about who she smiled at. People would smile at her and tickle her and depending on her mood she’d either grin or just stare at them blankly. This is true today – she doesn’t talk to just anyone. She is still particular and has to trust you before she talks to you. (A very good trait indeed!)
Being my first, she was dolled up all the time. Her first shoes where soft leather ones. If I had known about etsy, she would have had the flowered head bands for every outfit!
Here is David at 5 months. (Yes, all my babies were always very chubby!) Ironically, David had more hair than both my girls combined! I remember the delight at his ability to nap without me in the room. He was able to sit happily in his bouncy seat while I cleaned. When he wanted to be held, the Mei Tai or Beco Butterfly made him very happy. I remember his belly laughs and overall easy going demeanor. He loved car rides and smiled for anyone that smiled at him. As he grew older, he become even more independent. My first boy, he was given brand new clothes too. But his first shoes weren’t until he was almost a year old. He never crawled, he scooted on his butt! It was hilarious! All his pants were worn out on the backside from all his scooting. By the time he took his first steps at 14 months old, he was wearing regular tennis shoes or just bare feet.
And here is Lucy, 5 months old! She sleeps very well, but when she is awake she has to be a part of the action. I can only put her down for a little while before she starts to let me know “Hey, pick me up! I can’t see from down here!” I can usually accomplish a load of dishes if she is in her Bumbo seat up high so she can see, or fold & put away laundry with her in the baby carrier. She is incredibly full of giggles and laughs and cracks a smile for anyone that smiles at her. I can’t wait to see what she is going to be like as a toddler!
And clothes? She’s spoiled too. She is in the opposite season clothes Lizzie was in at this same size, so none of Lizzie’s clothes fit her. When Lizzie was in 9-12 month clothes it was winter. I have also started buying the headbands with flowers, I just can’t help myself!
I relish the differences in my children, they are all so fun and so unique! The one thing they all had in common? Cute baby fatness!
Kelly says
That’s so neat to see how different siblings are when they are in the same environment and have the same values yet develop such different preferences and personalities!
Penelope says
Baby fatness is awesome!
My son is losing his, and it makes me sad 🙁
Tiff @ Babes and Kids says
Lucy is NOT 5 months. That’s nuts! It’s fun to sit back and really realize how different all of your children are.