We go in for her 6 month check up today!! I am so excited, this is my favorite baby age of all. After asking what you thought she weighed, Jenn was the closest 🙂
Just for fun, here is a comparison collage of David and Lizzie when they were 6 months old! What can I say, all my babies were fat (and I love it!)
I have to admit I was a bit shocked that she was a full pound less than her brother or sister. I am not disappointed, she is super healthy! I was just expecting 21 lbs again cause she seems so fat and jolly! LOL!!
Gina says
LOL so cute!!! I’m bad at guessing weights so no idea, but chubby babies are adorable!!
Southern Belle says
Cute! I’ll guess she’s about 18.5 pounds. = )
Joanna says
Awww, so cute! I have no guess on weight I’m so bad at that LOL
Karen says
I wouldn’t be surprised if she weighs somewhere in the neighborhood of 21 pounds.
Jenn says
I guessed 20lb, 12oz.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
On my blog – you were the closest! LOL!! My sister beat you on facebook though by a few ounces 🙂
Marcie W. says
Oh she’s adorable! I think Bub at 6 months was 25lbs. I’d have to check to make sure, and although I don’t remember the girls’ weights, all 3 of mine were chunky.
Kelly says
She’s adorable – I love it!
blueviolet says
Oh my, they do all have the chubby thing in common. CUTE!
Roxanne D. says
She is such a cutie! I love her little cheeks. 🙂 Shoot, what did I guess? 21.5 or something? Oh well! lol!
Emi says
I have super chubby babies too! My little guy has his 6 month check up the end of the month and we shall see if he catches up to sister’s weight yet. She has cabbage patch cheeks though, which definitely added a pound or two 😉
Emily faliLV says
So Cute!! I love fat happy babies! My Squishy was one (but only 18.5 lbs)! That is a whole lot of love your babies have! Love the side by side comparison!
Henrietta says
Adorable! Chubby babies are THE best!! Just look at those cute cheeks!
Amy @ GrinningCheektoCheek says
So Cute!! 🙂 Ethan had his six month checkup (at 7mos) on wednesday! He’s a whopping 19.4lbs!! I’m surprised your Lucy is bigger!! 🙂 I make’m ChuNKeY!
I Like Em’ Round… I like em’ Chunkay, I like’m FunKay… (madagascar, in case you didn’t know the song – look it up, its perfect!)
Lorie Shewbridge says
She is so cute… as are the other two.
I love this age, too and love chubby babies (my boys were both fat), they are so much fun to play with and nibble on. =)
Brandi says
Aww she’s too cute (they all were)! I had fat babies too and loved it.
Krystyn says
All of them are such cuties! Isabelle didn’t hit 20 pounds until after her 1st birthday…Natalie was my chunky one and she was still almost a year before she hit 20 pounds!
I must have made skim milk, then 2 %…you make whipping cream:)