What motivates you? What makes you smile, warms your heart and soul and pushes you forward with gumption?
When I was an impressionable 13 years old, I read a novel about a beautiful young girl that grew up and lived a hard life. Her soft face became stone cold, the creases in her face like ruts in the dry ground. The flicker of light in her eyes diminished. I always vowed to never let that happen to me. No matter what it took I would always find the joy and pleasure in life.
My joy, my rock has always been my Jesus. Every other thing I try and trust in falls away. People break my heart and leave me lonely. But I can always count on God to provide peace and unfathomable joy.
My passion for life is to serve him. I write because he gives me breath.
What else?
Carefree giggles from my children keep me focused on the present. I forget the past and the future and live 100% in that silly moment. Whether it is heaving an imaginary “biggest, heaviest trophy” and displaying it on my table or fighting Dr. Doom with Firestar, I am always there, enjoying the fleeting moments of complete happiness.
I cannot lie. I get tired. My head throbs after a day full of high pitched screams and tantrums. My back tightens up and causes me to double over in pain after the cleaning, carrying and chasing.
But as I snuggle with my chubby baby at night, I enjoy the peace of a completed day. Even though I have days I want to call somebody and run away to California to sip Mojitos in the sunshine, I am driven. My faith drives me and guides me. My kids pull me from my melancholy thoughts with their silly stories.
What is your passion? What drives you, gives you fuel to smile , pushes you towards the horizon?
My children are my reason for being. I didn’t think I’d ever be able to have children, and here they are, three special miracles. I strive to be my best for them. I know that they need me as much as I need them. They bring light to my world on my darkest days.
As silly as this sounds my passion is perfection. <– awful … but I'm a total perfectionist and it drives me to learn, be better and succeed at everything I attempt.
Ah, I guess my job…I really like what I do and it has always been a passion of mine. I love my niece&nephew being here and they make me experience things I never thought I would experience! 🙂 I am a guardian of the little ones not even 2 years and so much has changed thanks to them being in my home.
I love reading your posts when I feel down, you inspire and motivate people so easily! That’s a great gift, Annie!