David tells every single person he meets, “I’m tall like my DAD!”
He says this phrase at least 10 times a day to me too.
It all started when he was potty training. He wasn’t tall enough to stand up to the toilet and pee. Then, just recently, he had a growth spurt. He doesn’t need a step stool anymore – he can pee standing on the floor just like his dad does.
I am oh-so-thankful he omits the peeing part of the story.
Not only is David tall like his dad, but he is just as kind, funny, imaginative and easy-going. He is the polar opposite of his big sister. When Lucy cries, he rushes over to her and tenderly strokes her cheek, “it’s ok, baby woo-see.” Hello puddle of goo that was once my heart.
He can turn pots and pans into trucks and trailers. His imagination knows no bounds! He sings all the time and when he says something funny he laughs from deep in his belly.
And he is going to be three years old a few days after Easter. Three? Wow.
(And I know how lucky I am that he is potty trained! I am flipping excited about it. Like crazy happy!)
My sweet baby bubs. He still has baby cheeks and his fingers are still slightly pudgy. He might be “tall like his dad” but he still fits on my lap and closes his eyes, his huge eyelashes tickling his cheeks. I soak up cuddles now – he is growing taller and taller ever day!
So adorable!
What are you potty training secrets?
enjoy him!! what a fun picture!
He is so cute and I just love this story. Bryson always tells me that he’s going to be “growed up” and “strong” like his Daddy. I’m totally jealous that David is potty-trained!
So cute! My oldest is going to be 3 tomorrow and I LOVE watching her grow up and listening to what is going on in her mind!
That is just too cute! And hooray for being potty trained!
Cute! Do you find because of his height that people assume he is older and expect more? We have the opposite going on with Sweet T since she’s so petite. She can do age-appropriate things and people are impressed because they assume she’s younger.
SO SWEET!! And that is soooo funny how that story originated. THAT is something to tell his first girlfriend ROFL
OOh, what a sweetie! I love how happy he is! Man, three was a long time ago for my kiddos!
How adorable, they get big so fast, but they will always be our babies.
Awww he reminds me of my David. Wish HE’D get potty trained. He turned 3 on Jan 18th. Yours sounds like such a sweetie pie
Awww pause the sweetness so he’ll be like that forever. 🙂
It’s great he has such an awesome dad to look up to and want to be like. So many kids don’t have that. 🙁
Aww, what a sweetie! Sounds like you’re raising a great little man there – good job, mama!