You know your blog content is not the greatest when it bores even you as you re-read it. You see, my creativity is on low supply these days. I am in a very volatile and topsy-turvy time of my life. I have goals for my blog. I have goals for my life. It is the discovering of the path to achieving these goals that has me disoriented.
So far, my priorities have been:
1. Family/household
2. Personal health
3. Blog/Business
And this is exactly as it should be. But I am a creative person and a writer. If I am not creating beauty and engaging on this blog I feel as though something is missing.
But I also must make money through my blog. And I am trying a few different things to make that happen. I am trying to learn how to be a rockstar affiliate. Hey, if you see a banner ad in my sidebar under “Shop With Annie” or ever see links to or Plum District, click them! Umm….yeah….I’ve never been really great at affiliate sales.
I only have so much time and I must use it wisely. If I found a way to learn how to be a better affiliate marketer then that would rock. But so far that is not my strength….and on this blog, with what little time I have, I better do what comes naturally to me.
Which is writing. And engaging with you on Facebook and Twitter.
What else is new? What is new in your life?
Oh! I got a part time job. Like a real job. With people and desks and phones. I am really excited to get back out of the house and talk to adults during the day about news and life. I adore my kids, but they just do not appreciate a beautiful shoe or collated report like these office people do.
You know what is fun about this “blog world?” If I am ever stumped for what to write, there is always a meme I can join to kick that creativity into gear and bring more people to my blog. I might be relying on more memes as my life gets busier. Do you partake in memes? Which ones (besides wordless wednesday) are your favorites?
Time to vacuum goldfish up and scoop ice cream for my kids!
What kind of part-time job did you get? I was doing social media promotion for two local collaborative websites last year. I really liked it because I already use social media. At times I wish I could go find a good part-time job that would work for us, but our schedule is just too crazy. I sometimes do memes. Mostly Just Write with Heather and WIWW with The Pleated Poppy.
I work as a secretary part time. I was considering doing SM promotion. Even have all set up and Dweeb Media LLC purchased 🙂 But I needed something that would pay enough up front to give me reliable child care. The child care was the most important thing. I had to get out of the house and away from my kids at least 2 days a week for a few hours. (Josh works like 80 hrs a week).
Write With Heather? I have never heard of that one! I am going to check that out, I love creative writing memes!
congrats on the new job! a few hours away doing “grown up” stuff is good for a mom!
Gotta love meme’s for that reason. I feel like I’m never particularly creative, not a great writer. I guess that’s what happens when you are more Science minded. Congrats on your job!