Ever since I was a little girl, I’ve always been enthralled with Laura Ingalls Wilder. I consumed her books, relating so much to Laura, that half-pint with a taste for adventure.
Then, as I grew older, I began to learn about the real Laura Ingalls Wilder. The mother, the author, the woman who lived her final years in the Ozarks, Missouri. She has a way of summing up the most intricate pieces of life into such simple terms.
Here are some of my favorite quotes from Laura Ingalls Wilder. I hope they inspire you too!
Laura Ingalls Wilder Quotes
“If we would win success in anything, when we come to a wall that bars our way we must throw our hearts over and then follow confidently.”
“I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things of life which are the real ones after all.”
“Sweet are the uses of adversity when it shows us the kindness in our neighbor’s hearts.”
“If we choose the way that ‘everybody does’ we are smirched with their dust and confusion and imitate their mistakes.”
“Things alone are very unsatisfying. Happiness is not to be found in money or in houses and lands, not even in the modern kitchens or a late model motor car. Such things add to our happiness only because of the pleasant times they bring us.”
“It is the simple things in life that make living worthwhile – sweet fundamental things such as love.”
“The true way to live is to enjoy every moment as it passes, and surely it is in the everyday things around us that the beauty of life lies.”
“No one has ever achieved anything from the smallest to the greatest unless the dream was dreamed first.”
“No one overcomes difficulties by going at them in a hesitant, doubtful way.”
“It is the common, everyday blessings of our common everyday lives for which we should be particularly grateful.”
“But however fleeting and changeable life may appear to be on the surface, we know that the great underlying values of life are always the same; no different today than they were a thousand years ago.”
“While the way to success and a broad, beautiful outlook on life more often than not leads over obstacles and up a stiff climb before we reach the hill top.”
“If enough people think of a thing and work hard enough at it, I guess it’s pretty nearly bound to happen, wind and weather permitting.”
“The real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful; to make the most of what we have; to be happy with simple pleasures; and have courage when things go wrong.”
“Anger is a destroying force. What all the world needs is its opposite, an uplifting power.”
“A good laugh overcomes more difficulties and dissipates more dark clouds than any other one thing.”
“Now is now. It can never be a long time ago.”
Laura Ingalls Wilder-Inspired Photographs
I took all of these pictures – except the last one – in Kansas. The last one was photographed by one of the best headshots in West Virginia. Each picture took my breath away and reminded me of another prairie girl – Laura Ingalls Wilder.
So I searched high and low for Laura Ingalls Wilder quotes and found the same 3 or 4. Then I finally bought a book of articles Laura wrote before she published her books. I took most of the quotes from these short little articles (that reminded me an awful lot like blog posts!)
I hope you enjoyed these quotes about life from Laura Ingalls Wilder. She is my favorite author and you better believe I pinned a few of these on my pinterest board!
Get the Laura Ingalls Wilder Autobiography
If you are a fan of Laura Ingalls Wilder, you have to buy her autobiography. (The following is my affiliate link, so I get a percentage back at no extra cost to you).
It is amazing to hear about her life straight from her pen, without the beauty she painted her Little House books. It’s raw and very eye-opening.
These are awesome and I’m sharing this on my facebook page!
I love this post! Your photos are a perfect compliment to Laura Ingalls Wilder’s quotes!
Fabulous quotes! My husband has a favorite “The best things in life aren’t things” although I’m not sure where the quote came from, just reminded me of these:)
I love Laura Ingalls Wilder! What a great idea:)
I love that you used your photos and just put her quotes.
These are SO beautiful!!
Beautiful photos and quotes!