I never in a million bazillion years dreamed I would have children. Now, I have 3 children all 20 months apart from each other. My heart swells with love and pride every time I see the corners of their mouth turn in a smile, their eyes twinkle with mischievous glee, and their compassion towards each other display. I am daily squelching thoughts of disbelief – “How can they be my kids? Surely they will end up in therapy some day…” No! By God’s grace they are loving, empathetic, problem-solving little maniacs angels.
What are my hopes and dreams for them?
I hope and dream one day they will have the courage to leave home and discover their place in this world. I hope they discover their passion and don’t settle for mediocre, because they are brilliant. I also dream that they will be so connected to me and each other, that they naturally desire to come back home and share their adventures with us.
Lizzie is bold, yet shy. She has a smart feeling of caution that prohibits her from interacting with people she doesn’t know. But when she grows comfortable around you, she is hard to tame! Her logic and ability to problem-solve are amazing qualities I hope to help her grow and fine-tune as she matures. She is in Kindergarten and so far much prefers numbers to reading. She does enjoy being read to, though. And her imagination is limitless. I want Lizzie to continue to keep that confidence and logic. I hope her inner strength propels her to achieve amazing things, and overcome obstacles! I cannot wait to watch her grow up and discover new things she loves and is naturally talented at!
David is impeccably inquisitive and hilarious. His laugh never fails to make me smile. I just can’t stop the force of it! He is so thoughtful with Lucy. If she is playing with his toy, he will find her a toy and ask her to switch. He almost worships his dad, is constantly imitating him and soaking up every single piece of knowledge he can from him. Somebody’s imaginative and creative stories seep into David’s mind and come out in his playing. I want David to grow into the strong yet empathetic leader I know he was born to be. I cannot wait to see him grow and watch his faith and personality blossom.
Lucy might still be young, but her personality is not little. Completely different from Lizzie, she is more carefree, adventurous and demanding. She already picks out her own clothes, pretty much potty trained herself, is speaking almost complete sentences, and keeps up with her big brother. Lucy’s most noticeable feature is her smile. She is always smiling! She laughs when we dance, grins when it is time for bed (and she isn’t sleeping), and turns on the charm when a camera is pointed her way. She also always says “pees” and “tank oo mama.” Now teaching her to obey has been a struggle…she has a fiery personality (and a scream to match)! I hope she keeps that tenacity, will power and innocent joy. She will change the world, I can’t wait to watch!
Please share: what are some of your hopes for your children?
I have three children (2 girls, 1 boy) all 12 months apart and it is such an amazing, wonderful, crazy adventure!! Mine are older now ( 6, 7, 8) and it’s harder parenting them now then it was when they were wee ones, but I wouldn’t change it for the world! My hopes for them are that they continue to look out for one another, and find their own identities apart from being “The Trio.” Such a blessing to be their mother.
wow, 12 months apart! best friends AND best enemies. I keep dreaming of the day when they are older, but now that Lizzie is 5, I am discovering all new struggles. Learning how to parent with their individual personalities – and tempers!
I love that you want them to look out for each other while also growing individually. I share that same dream.
I want them to be happy and successful at whatever it is they wish to do. And to visit me a lot. And have grandbabies. 🙂
LOL!! I want grandbabies too someday! 🙂
I really want my boys to grow up and be kind, respectful, and hard working men. One’s that cherish their wives and children. My husband is a great example so I hope that they follow in his footsteps.
You are so blessed to be married to a man that is such a wonderful example to them. Oh that made me smile 🙂
What a beautiful post!
Hi Anna – I love this topic! I work for Creative Memories (the home office in MN) and we love using these little books to write down our wishes and dreams for our little ones, as well as our parents, grandparents, teachers and friends. I made one for my dad for his birthday a couple of years ago and it brought him to tears. It wasn’t because it was overly sappy, just because I took the time to write down why he’s such a great dad. Thanks for the blog – I’m really enjoying it!
Not sure if you allow links, but here are the SImply Said Books – the Wish one would be great for a mom to her kids. http://www.creativememories.com/Content/Shop/Catalog.aspx?pr=BrowseCategory&s=/Hierarchy/Gift Ideas/Simply Said Books
What a lovely post! My husband and I don’t have children yet, but we really really really want some. We’ve had some bumps in the road, but we believe this year God will bless us with a beautiful baby. All I will want for them is to be healthy and happy!