The For Dummies series is full of reliable information on any topic you are curious about. And you can rely on these books to be clear, concise, researched and easy to understand.
If you are looking for how to plan your birth then this book outlines all the steps and gives information about all the options, not just one side like other books. It helps you think about what you want and why you will want to make those choices. Then, it gives you tips and points so you can communicate these wishes to the staff at your birth. If you also want to make your own birth plan, you can get this Birth plan template from Mumli app.
Birth Plans for Dummies covers more than just the birth. And it doesn’t read like a textbook either! It is written by two very knowledgeable women – a birth author and an R.N. From the Dummies site:
Rachel Gurevich is the author of The Doula Advantage and The FabJob Guide to Become a Doula, both considered required reading for doula training programs around the world. Sharon Perkins, RN, coauthor of Infertility For Dummies, has more than two decades of experience in maternal/child health.
Together they share all the topics you will want to think about when it comes to your birth. They explain epidurals, birthing positions, tips, what to remember, and even what to think about after the baby is born. They share information about breastfeeding, bottle feeding, and taking care of the baby in the first few days.
The reason I suggest this book as one to give at baby showers is that it offers unbiased information in plain language. I do wish it had a few more illustrations – some things are hard to visualized and easier to see. But it is still a very valuable book! It is the best $20 you will ever spend!
I received this book to review. All opinions are 100% my own.
Amy B. says
At the wellness center where I’ve started teaching yoga, we have a midwife and a doula on staff. I’m going to recommend this book to them!
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Thank you Amy! This is so great because it is just info, not persuasive at all. Not many birth books are like that.
Kerri says
As a mom of three, I didn’t have a birth plan. Looking back, it would have been a good idea. Now I’ll be able to offer the title to those I know who are looking into a birth plan.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
I had no birth plan the first time – and due to her surprisingly being feet first, it was an emergency c-section. The 2nd time I had this entire plan, that went out the window cause I never dilated (so VBAC turned another c/s). 3rd time it was planned C-section. I think choosing to have the c-section the 2nd time was very empowering to me, even if I wondered if I made the right decision. So giving people the power of information and choice is what matters, not how intricate the plan or whatever LOL
Melissa says
Sounds like a really good book! I didn’t really have a birth plan with my son and am trying to really be flexible with this pregnancy too.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Flexibility is so important! That is why I really love this book. It gives you all the info just so you are prepared 🙂
cori says
Sounds like a great book…my bff is trying to get prego with #3, so I’ll pass this book along to her!
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Thank you Cori!
Becca - Our Crazy Boys says
A great idea for a “Dummies” book!! I’ll definitely recommend this to friends who are expecting!
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Thank you Becca!! It really is a fabulous topic. So much to cover and they did a great job getting it all in there 🙂
Hanan says
What a great way to help first time parents!
Kelly {the Centsible Life} says
I’m a huge advocate of birthing plans. It’s important to think through the possibilities and decide what you want.
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Thank you Kelly! I totally agree with you!
Kasandria Reasoner says
Wow where was this book when I needed it? lol I’m going to share this with my sister. She is looking into home birthing. Thanks Annie!
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
Thank you Kas! Oh I am sending happy, healthy birth vibes to your sister!!