A Manhattan, Kansas woman was fired from her position as assistant manager at Carmike Seth Childs theater after she posted the above on Facebook on 9/23. I was driving to the airport today when I heard an excellent discussion about this very post. Since she posted this, it received more than 10k comments and 2800 Facebook shares. She also received death threats.
Here is what the movie theater had to say about the entire event:
Meagan Lyn May gave an audio interview with KMBZ radio in which she is quoted as saying she is sorry that she offended people, but she is not sorry for what she said.
Here is what I take away – and what I really hope younger people learn from:
Free speech does not mean you are free to insult whoever you want.
Sure, you can hold views against wars. You can be anti-military and all about peace. But think about what you say before you say – or type – it. I am a firm believer that we are responsible for what we say! If she is all about peace and doesn’t want a war – then don’t start one by insulting people that give so much! For such a “pro-peace” person she sure didn’t exhibit much kindness and her quote on the radio shows no remorse. I wish we all could have more empathy, more love, more compassion.
What you say online can and will be used against you
Meagan deserved to be fired. If you have a job, what you say online can have negative effects for the business you work for. You may hire a wrongful termination attorney in Maryland if you think your termination is unfair. So think before you post. She sure could have said her peace without insulting and hurting everyone.
I really hope teens and young adults see this and realize that typing something on social media is public and has huge side effects. If you are willing to live with the consequences…wow…I don’t know what to say, cause I don’t know why anyone would be willing to live with those.
Just be kind online.
Death threats are never ok – leave her alone
She is fired from her job, she is made famous for her hate. Now leave her alone. I don’t think she deserves death threats. I think she does deserve to be used as an example of what not to do!
~~UPDATE 10/7/13 ~~
While I originally heard on the radio that Facebook banned her – as of today, her personal profile is still very active. The post above, however, I could not find. I still stand by my opinion that everyone needs to leave her alone. Everyone needs to let her live her life. I also think she needs to get off social media unless it is 100% privacy lockdown. This is such a very sad case study to sit back and watch.
Some people write a little too much online.
I feel like she really doesn’t get who made the choice to go to war. And she also doesn’t seem to understand she works in a town near a military base, and they and their family are a large part of the city of Manhattan’s customer base. No Manhattan company is ever going to keep an employee who is anti military and publicly vocal about it. Aaaaand military discounts are pretty much a patriotic duty if you ask me…
But I’m just me.
Aimee – that is exactly how I feel. When you work next to a military base, you have to make sure you don’t offend the ENTIRE MILITARY and their families – unless you are self-employed. Seriously – if you are self-employed and your income doesn’t depend on other people at all (LOL um dream world much?) go ahead and say whatever you want, whenever you want. But learning how to have an opinion and say it without being devisive? That is called maturity.
Free speech doesn’t exist anymore? Holy cow. Not that I agree with her, but.. umm unless that was ON her employers site and she was using it as a cover, that should in no way affect her job. People say and do stupid stuff online ALL THE TIME. That doesn’t mean they should lose their (not connected at all) job over it. Yikes. That all seems just a little too ‘big brother’ to me. Also, why interview her? Pointless. Whatever. This should never have been an issue to begin with. I personally ignore people who stay stupid things (or post stupid things) to not give them any more ‘credit’ than they deserve…
Jill – I agree with the “why interview her” kind of. I mean, after her post went viral online, the station wanted to give her a chance to clear things up….too bad she didn’t take that opportunity.
But I don’t agree with you on the free speech issue. Yes, we do have the freedom to say what we want. But social media is still a relatively new monster. They didn’t fire her just for the post. They fired her because it went viral and was attracting the wrong kind of attention to their business. Sadly, people DO get too fired up from stuff online and there ARE negative consequences. Is it fair? No. But it is a reality we have to live with. Her post went viral and she started getting death threats. She was an assistant manager at a movie theater 15 minutes from a major military base. The theater did not want people to start boycotting them.
It would not have been an issue if she would have either deleted her post when it started getting too heated, or just stated her opinion in a more mature way.
I liken them firing her to if she wore an anti-military hat to work that day. Who is going to want to go see a movie when they don’t feel welcomed by the manager?
OPINION……This I posted to someone’s comments and it came DIRECTLY from questions asked of her…1 was do you like all the media attention and was your kid removed…here are her responses.
Meagan L May feed my hunger for attention mwahahaha a few seconds ago · Like
Meagan L May but because im such an awful mother, I of course don’t CARE!!! WOOT WOOT a few seconds ago · Like
Meagan L May nom nom nom EATING IT UP 2 minutes ago · Like · 1 Meagan L May yes 2 minutes ago · Like
4 minutes ago · Like Bob …What was the reason they took your child meagan? 4 minutes ago · Like Meagan L May but because im such an awful mother, I of course don’t CARE!!! WOOT WOOT
Meagan L May why apologize for something when you’re not sorry? Im not a liar. Just an idiot…DUH
Meagan L May nah, im an awful mother and i have aids….oh and what about my crack addiction? why would i care if they took her?
Threatening to kill people isn’t free speech. Saying that everyone in the military “deserves to get blown up” is really pushing it. Saying that you hope people’s “families burn” and “die slow horrible deaths” and “can all suck dicks” is really asking to be fired from your job and then never employed again. Meagan went above and beyond and she deserves whatever horrors come her way.
There is a time and place for everything. While I don’t agree with what she said 100% she did have the right to say what she thought and believes in.
Also, I’m not sure if it was fair that she was fired. What if she had said that in public and not on the internet? What if she attended a rally or something similar that the company she worked for did not agree with?
Jackie – I understand where you are coming from. But I honestly believe social media is a monster that people need to respect. She didn’t private message this, she didn’t say it to a group of people. That theater employs plenty of people that say things in public that I wouldn’t say…but saying it on social media just gives a megaphone to it in a way that nothing else can compare to. And her actions – like it or not – do affect who she is employed by. After it went viral, her being an assistant manager meant people DO associate her opinion with her theater’s. People won’t want to go there if she works there. Life isn’t fair, and we all need to be mature online.
Jackie, Kansas is an ‘at will’ state & employers don’t need a reason to fire an employee. I could care less if Meagan May had received an award for her work at the cinema. It doesn’t mean squat when it comes to employment laws in Kansas.
As a vet & former WAC, I understand exactly why military service men & women are given discounts. The pay grade for military men & women is low & not exactly a high paying job, unless you acquire a lot of rank. So many businesses around bases do give discounts to members of the service. It is their way of thanking them for their service & also away to keep military members coming back to their business. With Ms. May’s comments, it could have ruined their business.
Things sure is a lot better than when I served (Vietnam era). We were spat upon, had rotten food & eggs thrown at us & called baby killers, by fellow Americans. What people don’t understand, is that it is these same men/women who do serve in the military that give her the freedom to shoot her mouth off. The US was founded because of the brave men & women who were willing to lay down their lives to ensure we remain a free country & keep the rights that our past military fought for.
You don’t think she should be fired for saying “you all kind of deserve to get blown up. . . faggots.” and “BLOW THEM UP!” and “YOUR KIDS CAN BURN. YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY CAN SUCK DICKS. YOUR PARENTS CAN DIE SLOW PAINFUL DEATHS” And on and on it goes with the threats and insults. You think someone should employ a person who publicly states, “YOUR IDIOTIC “TROOPS” can get blown up (FUCK, I PRAY they do). I PRAY THAT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU LOSE EVERYTHING. YOU ARE ALL FUCKING STUPID. I HATE THE GOD DAMNED MILITARY.” She calls people “faggots” and says that she “spits in the faces” of soldiers. She says that if children lose their soldier parents it’s “too bad” and “maybe they should have been better with their weapon or a faster runner.” That’s not just her expressing an opinion, that’s her being obviously mentally ill (and thank god a judge finally ordered her to undergo a mental evaluation) and intentionally provoking and insulting people. She’s unemployable.
If she really is mentally ill, I hope she gets help. Not supporting the military and thinking we should all live in an ideal world where there is no hate or violence is one thing. (I dream those dreams too) but spewing hate is entirely another. If she can get help, she can interact respectfully with people, even if she doesn’t agree with them. And that would be better for her. The entire situation is just painful.
Great post, Annie. I do think it was absolutely appropriate that she be let go from her job, I disagree about her being banned from Facebook simply because that shows that they jumped on a bandwagon and that their own policy is inconsistent. There are many hate groups and posts filled with hate put on Facebook every day that aren’t removed nor the writer banned. I just hope that now she does not inadvertently become “celebritized” with interviews and such over her comments.
She was NOT banned from FB…she continued to write before, during and after her interviews….So WHY feel sorry for someone who wanted this????
I believe the post said that she was banned, so my response is in-line with that statement. Also, in no way did I say that I felt sorry for her in my comment nor was that implied in the comment. I don’t feel sorry for her at all.
Elanna, I wrote this blog immediately after listening to KMBZ radio. Here is her interview with them: http://www.kmbz.com/topic/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=6539784
I heard on KMBZ that Facebook took her page down. Then I went to Facebook to try and find her profile and there is no trace of it. She stated very clearly that she wouldn’t stop writing on Facebook, so if her profile is gone logic states it wasn’t her that took it down.
She wasn’t banned for the post that she made. She was banned for taking photos of other women, editing them and then posting them to humiliate them (which is against facebook policy). She also made death threats against several women and repeatedly posted their photos with their personal information and encouraged people to go to their homes and kill them. She also created dozens of fake profiles with real women’s photos, names and info. She threatened violence (against FB policy) and made racial remarks, as well as vulgar comments about sexual orientation. She broke not only FB policy but the law. She is currently on probation and has been ordered to under-go a mental evaluation because she continued her harassment of many women, only slightly less publicly, after the firestorm around her died down. She’s a nut job and that’s all there is to it. I would bet my life that she considers her “infamy” to be her greatest accomplishment in life.
I don’t think what she had to say was some major insult worthy of being fired, banned from facebook or berated however got a bit distastefull about half way through and even then it is her opinion to give. Military personnel today make a decision on there career path unlike many of the past, but with that said I am still thankful for what they do and would thank them every chance i get. However most the people complaining about her though are the same ones that will argue about Obama and the government infringing on there constitutional rights regarding guns, taxes and healthcare so???? One of the biggest problems in America today
Thank you for sharing that R 🙂 I especially like what you said about being thankful for what they do and how you would thank them every chance you got. I feel the SAME way 🙂
I think the big problem wasn’t even her initial post. It was the fact that she went on to publicly post that “the hardest part of being in the military is all the dick you have to suck.” and “you all kind of deserve to get blown up.” and “Your idiotic troops can get blown up (FUCK, I PRAY they do).” and “YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY CAN SUCK DICKS. YOUR KIDS CAN BURN.” It goes on and on and on and it’s disgusting.
She lied on the radio interview she isn’t sorry she is laughing at the people she hurt and she never got suspended bc before after and during the Interview she was commenting and gloating that she is on the news and on radio. She never told people she is sorry in messages she blocked them also a lot of her friends were hating on her also they all said she loves hurting and pissing off people bc she is a sociopath. Shes been arrested for harassment and a restraining order on her by another person. She purposely put her address up says try and hurt my family yesterday CPS took her baby and Meagan said one less thing to worry about. If she didn’t want harassment and threats she should of put it on private but instead she leaves in public bc it is funny to her sick mind.
Meagan L May feed my hunger for attention mwahahaha a few seconds ago · Like
Meagan L May but because im such an awful mother, I of course don’t CARE!!! WOOT WOOT a few seconds ago · Like
Meagan L May nom nom nom EATING IT UP 2 minutes ago · Like · 1 Meagan L May yes 2 minutes ago · Like
4 minutes ago · Like Bob Valley What was the reason they took your child meagan? 4 minutes ago · Like Meagan L May but because im such an awful mother, I of course don’t CARE!!! WOOT WOOT
Elenna VanMeter
9/26, 9:52pm
Meagan L May why apologize for something when you’re not sorry? Im not a liar. Just an idiot…DUH
Meagan L May nah, im an awful mother and i have aids….oh and what about my crack addiction? why would i care if they took her?
WOW. I missed this story. While I 100% believe in freedom of speech, I also believe that you are responsible for paying the price of that freedom. Just because she has the freedom of speech (which brave men and women fight to protect, which is an interesting irony), companies are under no obligation to retain an employee who voices that right. The freedom protects you only from the gov’t not to keep your job. As a former HR professional, I would have called for her termination. And good for Facebook too.
Now the death threats are outrageous.
Jen, I agree with you 100%. And it helps me feel better about my opinion than an HR professional agrees with me LOL 🙂
I so appreciated your post on this story.You were so calm and direct about this whole situation. I have read some the comments posted to her Facebook post and they are awful. Being a military brat, I in no way agree with her but I also agree with you: she’s been fired and that should be the end of it. Responding to hate with hate only breeds more hate. I love your positive take on this. We should all look at this as a learning experience. I hope that everyone can at least appreciate the sacrifice the members of our military make even if they do no agree with war.
Thank you Jessica. The hateful posts on her wall are proof that people act WAY different online that they do in real life, face to face. That is why I called social media a “new monster” and want people to know they need to be careful about what they post. Just because you have the right to say something doesn’t mean you should…..
Just want to say..she told you she was sorry, but continued to say I spit on all you Veteran Wives whose husbands died. I get to go home to my husband…hahahahaha! PLUS, when he daughter was removed..she laughed about it as well. MANY of us copied what she wrote before SHE removed her FB Page….NOT FB. She lied about SO MUCH to you….ok the death threats a bit much…BUT she is getting what she deserves. She was NOT sorry I guarantee you that much!
Elanna, I know she was not sorry – I heard her say that in her radio interview….which is very unfortunate. 🙁
Actually free speech DOES mean you are free to insult whoMever you want, although there may be consequences.. Actually according to our Constitution as properly interpreted by the current U.S. Supreme Court you can say anything you want as long as you are willing to pony up the bucks. It is all a matter of dollars. She was fired because the owner feared economic repercussions. She probably expressed an opinion that many hear in private but are afraid to express publicly for the demonstrated reason. She did not slander or libel. You need to take a Civics class.
Kap, you are correct and I am sorry that I wasn’t clear. I can see how you took it that way. But what I meant was that just because we are free to say whatever we want, doesn’t mean we should. Yes, she has the freedom to post on facebook what she did. But I agree with you – she has to live with the consequences – being fired because her employer did not want to deal with the backlash.
I agree with you Kap 🙂 100%!
Wow, I can’t believe this. In this day of social media, there is no way you cold get away with something like that. If she really needed to vent then she should have done so in her own home and not in writing!
But death threats are never ok. Not cool.
I don’t 100% agree with her opinion but I also don’t believe she deserved to lose her job (if she posted to Facebook off duty).
Cat, that is the big thing – did she deserve to get fired? I’ve heard great arguments on both sides. I respect your opinion (as I’ve heard others say the same thing) but do disagree. 🙂 I feel like if an employee does something that will cost the business customers, they shouldn’t stay hired.
But then again – I did hear another idea from a friend. The theater *could* have just demoted her to a position that had ZERO customer interaction. Like maybe janitorial? And she should have received a serious pay cut. For alienating a majority of the customers? She deserved a consequence from her employer.
How does that affect her ability to do her job?
It may make people not like her but she didn’t talk about her workplace.
And that is a very valid point. But she lives next to a military base. Most of the customers that frequent the theater are military and receive the military discount she very clearly stated they didn’t deserve.
She was alienating a large portion of the paying public. Seth Child Carmike didn’t know what to do. To keep her on staff might have hurt them considerably financially. But I did hear someone tell me that maybe she should have at least been demoted from her assistant manager position – and definitely put her in a position that had zero interactions with people.
I’m guessing that customer service was a part of her job at the movie theater whatever it was–ticket seller, snack counter, ticket taker. Treating customers with respect is a major part of any customer serving job.
If she was vocal about it after work in a restaurant next door should they have fired her?
And this whole “how mobs react to social media” is very new. Jessica, you hit the nail on the argument’s head. She wasn’t simply stating her opinion to girls at girl’s night. She broadcasted her opinion to the entire world. That is the problem with social media – it can get out of control very fast. And then the movie theater has an entire city infuriated with their assistant manager for stating why she doesn’t want to give them their military discounts.
This is tricky because it is so new. If someone goes on social media and causes the business they work for to possibly get boycotted because of it…..ick. It is just tough….
If she had stopped short of the thing on the military discount, I think she would have been fine. That really did get to her refuting the policies of the company she works for IMO and part of her responsibility is to support & enforce the various policies the organization has.
AMEN sister! <—I mean that for you, Annie.
And I also wholeheartedly agree with you and Aimee. People are in the military because they want to support our country and not because they enjoy making war. It is the politicians who decide when and where war is made, not our service members.
And, yes, we do have freedom of speech in this country, but just like with any of our other actions, our actions and the things we say come with consequences. If what we say is hurtful to people and irresponsible, well then we have to face the consequences. Freedom of speech simply means she can't go to jail or won't be hanged for what she says. 🙂
Thank you Amy. And I agree – we do have freedoms, but just cause you can doesn’t mean you should….
While I personally disagree with everything she said, she didn’t deserve to be fired over her opinion. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t ‘get war’. It doesn’t matter if she’s loving the attention. It doesn’t matter if she’s a bad mother. None of that matters. Our soldiers fight for our freedoms…plural. One of them being her right to speak her mind.
The biggest problem here is the movie theater has zero experience dealing with the results of bad PR from social media. By being a very visible assistant manager (she was a ticket-taker) when her post went viral, it affected the theater negatively. Yes, it was on her personal page, but here is the ugly truth about people online: Mob mentality spreads and works faster and worse on the internet. I’ve seen it – people gathering together to sleuth and find ways to create justice.
I do NOT agree with that – at all. But I am stating what happens. And businesses have to figure out what to do when their employee causes that to happen.
That is why I really really hope that this discussion continues and people start to really consider what they post online. Online is not just a person talking to their one friend. It is a bigger megaphone that people have had, ever.
Kenda, Kansas in an ‘at will’ state & the employers had every right to fire her, without reason.
I had a feeling it was. And that is their right, yes. That’s why I say she didn’t “deserve” to be fired and didn’t say she should sue them, etc. Sometimes things that are legal are still unfair.
Kenda, I couldn’t agree with you more. I live in Kansas & was terminated after getting injured on the job. Even with an OTJ injury, it doesn’t protect you from losing your job.
I was stationed, briefly, close to the UC Berkley campus in 1968 during the Vietnam action. Vitriol directed at serviceman at that time was much worse than anything this woman expressed. Americans don’t like Imperialism and are willing to speak strongly against it. I think her anger was directed at Empire building by America but it just came out wrong.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me Jim. There is NO doubt about it – her comment is definitely tame compared to the 60s Vietnam era. I know what she said does stir up emotions in people that lived through that time or who have lost family members to war.
I can see your point about her speaking out against empire building. I didn’t take it that way at first, but I can see it now. Yes, it definitely came out wrong.
Jim, I also served during the Vietnam era & times were definitely different then. I enlisted in the WACS & was stationed at Ft. McClellan for basic training. I remember going into Anniston on our first off-base pass. We were getting off the bus & met by a group of angry Americans who threw rotten food at us, threw eggs all over our dress greens & also called us baby killers, even though we were still in basic training & none of us had even been assigned duty stations, let alone Vietnam.
Now, those of us who were stationed at Ft. McClellan have learned that it was a dump site for Monsanto for 66 years. Many of us (who are still alive) have suffered from numerous cancers, tumors, neurological problems, damage to nerves & numerous other health problems. The US Govt. has been sitting on HR 411 for several years to even acknowledge us, even though Monsanto settled with the citizens of Anniston.
What many people don’t realize is that the pay grade for enlisted service men/women is not very high. That is why many businesses around bases give the discounts & also to keep military personnel coming back. They rely on the military to help their businesses & Ms. May’s statement could have caused serious adverse effects on their business.
Besides, KS is an ‘at will’ state & businesses don’t need a ‘reason’ to terminate employment. If I had been Ms. May’s employer, I probably would have terminated her employment too. It’s not like this was a small issue. Ms. May perpetuated this & made the matter worse by making her feelings known on a national level.
I realize there are always going to be those who are against the military. I came up against many while in the service. While men were running to Canada to avoid the draft, I felt it was my duty to step up & enlist. There isn’t a draft anymore, so nobody is forced into military life. Thank God there isn’t a draft anymore & people like Ms. May aren’t called to enlist, because she doesn’t understand the sacrifice it takes to be in the armed forces – not only from those serving, but also their families.
She still has a FB page and just as recently as 14 hours ago posted something so no…she is not banned from Facebook. Just in case you are wondering…she used her actual name.
Thank you Lea. I finally had enough time to do my own research. When I posted this, I relied on what I heard on the radio (horrible practice, I don’t say this with pride at ALL) and they said her profile was removed. When I searched in the Facebook search bar I could not find her name.
I finally found it (https://www.facebook.com/meagaroniandcheese?fref=ts) and what was removed was not her profile, but the original post. (Again, maybe I just missed it? But I think someone – maybe Facebook? – removed the post. I do not see it anywhere on her profile.) I am editing my post right now.
Thank you so much Meagan for making my fact checking easier 🙂 That note you wrote is really the FAQ of the entire ordeal from your point of view. It really helps me to see the entire picture. I am still not sure if you took the original post down, if Facebook did, or what….that is the only thing I can’t verify.
But really, that little fact doesn’t matter. What I find astounding is how quicker “mob mentality” reactions occur on social media. There is a “keyboard courage” people have and it can be quite scary. When people hide behind fake facebook accounts they feel like they can say whatever they want and it really stirs up a crowd to just vomit their emotions on screen for the world to see (and vomit with them)
I hope you and your family is safe. While I respectfully disagree with your idea that you ought to be able to state your opinions and people should just walk away…I do agree that people need to just let you be.
I think you can be against war and still support that men & women that keep us safe.
I hope she learns and matures from her mistake.
Not that my opinion matters, but I’m going to say this about her getting fired… If she was ever on her Facebook saying where she worked, had pictures of her job, or actually said in her about section where she worked, she was representing her employer whether she meant to or not. This is a good lesson for people to keep all business and personal separate (kinda hard for bloggers though haha). I do think she needs to be left alone though. It’s over and done. The public needs to move on.
That is exactly how I feel Stefany. When you put your employer in your profile next to your profile picture, that is a very public display. I believe everyone ought to censor themselves online, unless they have the luxury of the uncensored nature providing their income. (I think immediately of Erika Napeltano. She’s an author and speaker, known for her cursing. Or The Bloggess. Or Miley Cyrus)
When you are young and depend on employment, you must be responsible on social media. Social media creates mob mentality like nothing we have ever known. And what you say can have negative consequences for your employer.
But yes – she lost her job, now we need to leave her alone. People are still trolling her personal FB page and it is time to move on.
Now people aren’t on there about her military post their there because she is harassing random people and peoples babies she went after my 6 month old and is wishing death on an unborn baby bc it will be her daughters half sibling and if she thinks your the girl she has harassed for a year and a half she will message you and call you a skank slut to go die hope your baby dies. And once she realizes people don’t like her public harassment she deletes them and any proof people have of it. The girl blocked Meagan and a few days ago Meagan made a fake profile to wish death on the baby again. Also she had asked people to give her money they did she got over $300 and said they were still not able to feed Harmony them not long after post a vids on vine of them getting drunk and taping it with their smartphones and you still see she has a flat screen and a laptop and she said she sold all her valuable belongings. She also purposely unblocked everyone who harassed her before bc people stopped commenting on her page. She needs to grow up and be a mother and stop giving her address and cell out publicly I even got hold of them. Oh and anyone who defended my son she went after them their kids and pets.
I agree with most of your points. It is sad that this woman has missed the whole point of our voluntary military. Those men and women who “voluntarily” walk into the face of danger are what has kept our Country free and it’s the reason she is able to express those views. I am saddened that she has chosen such a hateful attitude because that must be a miserable way to live. It’s sad she can’t be grateful for the people that help defend her every freedom and her life. She has apparently not realized that without those service people, she might have to fight for herself. In some countries she would not have that choice. I wonder if SHE would be so brave.
She is entitled to her opinion. That is what we in the Military serve to protect everyday even though we may not like it. I don’t condone the death threats she is getting but just like her their are a few passionate folks out there that just don’t think before they act. She can spew all the anti-Military crap all she wants and there will still come a day when a Soldier, Marine, Sailor & Airman will willingly stand up in front of her to defend her and this great country when asked to with no hesitation.
thank you for sharing this Anthony. I agree with your last statement. Every armed person in our military will fight to the death to protect every single person in this country, even people that don’t support them. That, in my opinion, is true selflessness.
Sweet Meghan Lyn May has a right to express her opinion.
Carmike has a right to fire people who are moronic and have no character.
You don’t know all she was doing people who were military or a member even if it was a kind opinion she harassed them she then she used the anti military followers go after my friend meagan harassed her when I defended my friend she posted calling me fugly then in the comments posted a pic of my son when he was 4 or 5 months old and called him my ugly spawn and anyone defending my son got harassed she even had her followers harass me when someone asked if that was a pic of my son she lied saying no that’s my kid and when she knew ppl would jump her or were she delete the post and say she didn’t do that even if there were screen shot proof later after she learned her ex gf was pregnant she wished death on it publicly she didn’t stop for 6 months.