I love it when I receive goodies to share with my friends. Recently, Udi’s Gluten Free Foods sent me a huge box and I was given the task of finding people to share it with.
Um….I tried. You see, I recently discovered I cannot tolerate gluten. It gives me terrible headaches and fatigue. When this box arrived I was like the cookie monster after being grounded from cookies! Coooookkiiiieeesss!!!!
A few boxes went mysteriously missing. A-hem
So I hid a few packages in the freezer, ready to take them to my friend’s house for our weekly Downton Abbey night. Her baby girl can’t have gluten, so this was going to be a special treat!
Then she canceled on me. I had to figure out how to resist the goodies in my house for another night! Danger Will Robinson! Danger!
Thankfully, they sent two free product coupons I delivered directly to my friend. And brought two packages of heavenly gluten free cookies for her five daughters. Yup, that photo above is all five of her daughters! What I love most about it is that one sweet girl couldn’t wait while I got my phone out for a picture before biting into it! They are just that good.
Do you know someone that eats gluten-free foods? I hope you will take this challenge and share some Udi’s with them! Maybe one day they will return the favor. Udi’s is just too good not to share!
To learn more about Udi’s, check out these sites!
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