If you know a college student, give them a basket full of goodies! Here’s what to put in a college gift basket in the fall – right when flu season (and homework) is getting bad.
Gifts For College Students
What does college, me, working, and Kleenex care have in common? Warmth, kindness and the most beautiful memories a gal could ask for!
This is me in college (the girl in pink in the middle). I had best friends. I lived in a 5 bedroom house with 4 other girls. The extrovert in me absolutely loved having at least one other person in the house at all times to talk to. (And before this year I lived with 2 other fantastic girls and before that I spent 2 wonderful years in the dorms.)
“Ugh, I am so hungry!”
Because you know that is important to share out loud, and get a, “me too, wanna order Chinese?” in response. The BEST!
I loved walking to class, waving high to people I recognized on the way. The little things made my day. Like the time I worked a super long shift at the freezing-cold college football game, and the tailgaters shared a hot dog or cookie with me as I patrolled. Or when I opened my student mailbox to find “love notes” from my friends.
What To Give A College Student In The Fall
Tiny little things, little acts of kindness, just a warm hug, or a latte or just a care basket of necessities – told me I was not “just another girl in a mass of humans.” I remember the warmth that I felt, and how one person holding a door open for me changed my attitude for the rest of the day.
Kindness is seeing other people. It is looking beyond your own pain and seeing someone else’s situation and extending them grace. Kindness is given without question and without reason.
I believe this quote with all my heart. Kindness begets kindness. And sadly, the opposite is true. Unkindness multiplies even faster.
College Gift Basket Essentials
Here’s what I would put in my gift basket if I was giving it to a college student:
- Inspirational Book or Journals
- Kleenex
- Vitamins
- Canned Soup
- Figurine That Reminds You Of Them
- Their Favorite Snack Food
Be Thoughtful
The most important thing that matters when giving gifts to college students is to be thoughtful. Don’t just give cheap stuff, splurge on the name-brand stuff.
What made me laugh most about this gift basket is how appreciative I know she will be. Because I would have been too. In college, when I was working 3 jobs, I bought ramen noodles and used toilet paper for facial tissue. These Kleenex® Brand Tissues are a luxury item that she will adore – especially during cold and flu season!
Your Turn
How do you share kindness? Share your care, it’s so simple during cold and flu season to put a little gift basket of Kleenex® together for someone you love. Maybe make a small basket and give it to teachers, or really anyone that warms your heart.
What are some other ideas you have and ways you can spread kindness? Please join me in spreading love, care, and warmth, this fall.
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