Today is Day 9. Only 21 more days to go.
Follow my Whole30 Pinterest Board, I am keeping track of all of my food there. I will do another post with as many pics as I took along with links to the recipes very soon!
How I Feel
I feel – Energetic, more normal. I get tired at the normal time (around 9:30 pm) instead of OMG I can’t function at 4pm.
As with all things I do, I want it all to happen NOW. I want to wake up skinny, I want to be in fantastic shape after a week at the gym. Patience…..I know, I know.
I’m Not Overly Hungry
I’m surprised at how FULL I feel with healthy fats. The only time during the day I get “hungry” (besides normal meal times) is 3pm. This is because I work at a desk job and after 3 hrs of work after a big lunch I get….bored. I think that’s the word. It’s all about habits, to be honest. Before Whole30 it was my habit to drink Dr. Pepper or lattes at 3pm, maybe with a sugary snack. My mind still thinks it “needs” that jolt of easy energy to make it through the last 2 hours of my workday. I’m trying to teach myself I don’t need to snack, but until then I still have a Larabar at 3.
I Learned – Food is Connected Socially
What I learned – for me, food is tied very close to social experiences. When I was forced to not eat the same foods as everyone at parties, I felt strange. Disjointed. I wasn’t hungry or physically craving the chips or pizza. But I wanted to eat it to feel connected. I really want to cut my emotional connection to food.
Food is food, not my friend. I have friends as friends. To stay healthy I need to just use food as nutrients to fuel my body for a healthy life, nothing more.
Money & Work
This is the downside – Eating completely sugar/grain/dairy free is EXPENSIVE. Sugar free almond butter? $$$ yeah. Then there is the fact that I spend time meal planning, grocery shopping and then cooking my meals.
It isn’t easy or cheap, but I know it is worth it.
And, if I am patient and persistent, in about a month I’ll have results to show for it. For now, I am just going to enjoy the victory of sticking to it this long and finally kicking my junk food at work habit.
My End Goal
I hope to lost 15 pounds by my birthday 0n August 17th. That should be attainable if I stay active and continue to keep the negative habits away. I’m currently at around 168 pounds, hitting 155 would be awesome, 150 would be a dream!
And of course, the numbers are the scale are complete crap sometimes, so I’ll be thrilled with clothes that fit without lumpy frumpy lumps too LOL (I’d love to get back into my size medium clothes again)
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