Disney Pixar’s The Good Dinosaur released today! It’s an adorable animated movie about the friendship between a boy and an Apatosaurus named Arlo. My kids cannot wait to see it!
It looks like a super cute and fun little movie to go see as a family over the Thanksgiving holiday. Then, after you all watch the movie, come back and make this super healthy snack tray! Playing with your food is totally allowed – especially if you are making leafy greens that Apatosaurus’ like Arlo would love.
Robin Rue (@massholemommy) says
Ooooh, I love that snack tray! It came out awesome 🙂
Michele says
That snack tray really did come out perfectly. Maybe it will get the kiddos to like eating those veggies–just like the friendly dinosaur (who even if he were still around would be a vegetarian and pretty laid back).
Heather Johnson says
What a cute idea! I just saw this movie with my kiddos, and my firstborn really liked it.
Liz Mays says
What a fabulous way to tie into the movie. This is seriously cute and quite healthy!
OurFamilyWorld says
What a great idea. I bet it tastes yummy, too. We still haven’t seen the movie.
amanda mcmahon says
It is a sweet movie. Not epic but cute for sure.
Ickle Pickle says
This looks so great, my little boy would love it! We would love to see the film, I am not sure if it is out in the UK yet.