Does your home feel detached from the outside world? Keep in tune with nature and the world is important for our physical and mental health – living in a city apartment with restricted views and no garden could start to take is toll over time. Fortunately, you can still bring reminders of the outside world indoors so that you feel less trapped and so that your home is a physically healthier environment. Here are just a few ways to bring the outdoors indoors.
If you love spending time outdoors and the earth gives you energy, you can follow these easy decorating tips for bringing the outdoors indoors. It’s pretty easy and you’ll love how it looks!
Bringing the Outdoors Indoors
There are a few things you can do, and all of them are super simple. Don’t forget to pin this post and share it with your friends.
Grow houseplants
The most effective way to connect to nature in your home is through houseplants. This could be much needed if you don’t have a garden, giving you a chance to get some greenery into you life. Houseplants can carry a number of benefits from improving air quality to even improving concentration and general happiness. Specific plants can be placed in certain rooms where they may have their own particular benefits – jasmine for example is good at improving sleep quality and excellent for the bedroom, whilst Boston Fern is a great natural dehumidifier and well suited to the bathroom. You can even grow vegetables and herbs in plant pots in the kitchen to help with cooking.
Hang up landscape art
Certain homes may start to feel claustrophobic if there is a lack of windows or of views are restricted by other buildings. Landscape art could be a great way to add the illusion of depth – the likes of Peter Lik are renowned for their three-dimensional landscape pieces. Hang this art on empty interior walls to make the biggest impact.
Use natural materials
You can also feel more connected to nature by using less plastics and more natural materials. On top of being better for the environment, many of these materials are less toxic and physically better for us. Consider wooden furniture, stone tiles and real wool/cotton textiles and try to preserve their natural tones by limiting glossy finishes and coloured dyes. Sites like Simply Rustic Furniture have a good selection of furniture to choose from when looking for these materials. Hand-carved furniture can have an even more rustic feel.
Use natural scents
You can also connect to the outside world with natural scents in your home. Rather than using air fresheners and cleaning products that give off chemical smells, choose natural aromas to make your home smell good. Certain houseplants can help to achieve this, whilst you can also use natural oils and scented candles. You can also boil up your own scents using ingredients such as lemon, pine needles and rosemary.
Encourage more natural light
If your home relies heavily on artificial light, it could also be worth throwing open the curtains and letting in some sun rays. Natural light is full vitamin D, a nutrient that has been shown to be important for our skin and our mood. Try not to obstruct windows and use mirrors to help reflect light. If you want privacy but also want to let light in, consider net curtains.
Hi this is an informative post. Thanks so much for the share Annie !!