Birth trauma has increased on the east coast – what can people do if they experience it?
Birth trauma and injury will have a life-long impact on the baby and their family. In June, the Maryland Injury Lawyer Database reported that the Raleigh General Hospital has been hit with a $10.8m dollar settlement following the birth of a child with a major hypoxic injury stemming from their lack of care.
A parent’s worst nightmare, birth trauma will often create a lifelong disability for the child. As the Raleigh General case has shown, receiving justice is often the first step in establishing care for a child who has experienced a birth injury. You can check out Bengal Law contact details in Orlando!
Legal Recourse
Birth trauma and injury is a highly sensitive legal field. According to, parents need to exercise a huge amount of care and research in picking experts for any potential civil trial; not having the right expertise in front of the judge and/or jury can be a huge hit to any potential litigation.
Having the right birth injury attorney will often help to satisfy this need. With the legal help of a personal injury lawyer, parents can be reasonably sure that they will receive the level of expertise they need and that they will be properly guided through the traumatic legal process. They will also receive the right compensation for the damage that has been done. Look at this site ( for more details. This will help establish funding for the lifelong care of a child and help protect patients in the future.
Lifelong Care
The costs, mentally and financially, of looking after children with birth injury-related conditions are high. According to one study published by PubMed, the costs can reach up to $22,000 per year compared to $1,000 per year for a child without any disability.
Parents of children living with disabilities must be aware of the full range of support services like Medicaid can provide, but they also need to be organized and financially prudent in their own right.
This will help to ensure that children can have the best start in life possible, and it will also help to minimize financial stress and build their own sense of resilience.
Impact on Family
Families who care for children impacted by birth trauma will have their own level of stress and impacted quality of life to deal with.
Research published by the journal of Child Care, Health and Development found that 50% of parents of children with cerebral palsy reported an increased need for support – not just financially and logistically, for instance with mobility aids – but for their own wellbeing and for their wider family.
Families who have been through this trauma absolutely need support, and will receive it with proper safeguards in place – however, if the birth trauma rate continues to rise, the state and federal administration need to act now.
Ultimately, birth trauma and injury is an event that creates a lifelong dependency above and beyond the normal levels that children experience. That’s always a challenge for parents, and it’s one that needs full support. This can, in turn, benefit the chances of both parent and child.
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