Winter brings with it freezing temperatures and less daylight. During this time of year, staying warm is one of most people’s top priorities. When the temperatures outside start to plummet, you will need to turn on your heating unit.
Are you having issues with the furnace fan limit switch in your heating system? Do you need to access and fix the limit switch in your unit? In order to fix issues with the switch, you will need to be able to identify this component in your system.
A functional furnace is one of the main things you need to warm up the inside of your home. Dealing with furnace repair issues in winter can be very frustrating. This is why you must look after your furnace property to ensure it works when needed. If you need a furnace repair in Mount Vernon, the team of experts at CPI Plumbing & Heating
Keeping your furnace reliable will be much easier if you use the tips in this article via Sarkinen Plumbing.
Make Sure Your Vent Registers Are Unobstructed
Overworking your furnace is a recipe for disaster. The harder your furnace has to work to keep the inside of your home warm, the higher the risk of breaking down. This is why you need to do all you can to lessen the workload of your furnace. Blocked vent registers will prohibit warm air from flowing into your home.
Some homeowners will bump up the setting on their thermostats when they don’t feel the warmth from their furnace. Adjusting these settings can put your furnace in a bind. Before freezing temperatures arrive in your area, take some time to inspect your vent registers.
Removing obstructions from these registers will ensure that warm air from your furnace is properly distributed. If you think you may have frozen heat pump, contact an HVAC professional for immediate inspection.
Changing Your Air Filters is a Must
Indoor air quality is something all homeowners should be concerned with. Since the average person spends 90 percent of their time indoors, breathing in air that is free of pollutants is important. Modern HVAC systems are equipped with sophisticated air filtration systems.
Air filters are among the most important parts of these systems. The air filter in your HVAC system catches dirt, dust and other allergens before they enter your air supply. Most experts recommend changing these filters once every two months.
Failing to change your air filters can cause problems with your furnace. Without proper airflow, your furnace will struggle to do its job. Rather than prematurely wearing out your heating unit, you need to change your air filters regularly.
Have Your Drainage Tube Cleaned
Many of the furnaces in homes around the world are powered by natural gas and propane. Furnaces that run off of these gases are equipped with a drainage tube. These tubes are designed to collect the water produced by the burning of gas and carry it into a drip pan. A clogged drainage tube can cause a lot of damage to your home.
This is why keeping this drainage tube clean is so important. If you don’t feel comfortable removing and cleaning this furnace component on your own, then you need to allow an furnace repair company to perform this work. With their help, you can avoid drain tube clogs.
From changing your air filters regularly to cleaning your vent registers, there are many things you can do to keep your furnace in pristine shape this winter.
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