Living off grid might sound like a modern idea, but when you think about it, it’s what human beings did as a matter of course for hundreds of thousands of years. It was only when modern technology, such as electricity, came into being that we started to create a lot of gadgets and started to become more connected than anyone did anything differently.

Perhaps you’re interested in taking things back to how they used to be, and you’re tired of all this tech for all kinds of different reasons. If so, off grid living might be right for you. If you’re considering this idea and you’ve not quite made up your mind, keep reading; here are some of the most compelling reasons to live off grid.
It’s The Green Option
Many people want to be more environmentally friendly, but they find it hard because their way of living relies on using fossil fuels. Perhaps they have to commute to work, so they drive (and use gas in their car) or they take a train.
Perhaps they work from home, but that means having to keep the heating and cooling in check, and that uses electricity or a lot of water. Maybe they cook healthy food, but they still have to buy it from a grocery store, and there’s a lot of plastic packaging. So they’re trying, but it’s a big challenge.
If this is important to you and you’re worried because you feel as though you’re not doing enough, going off grid is the answer. You’ll be able to drastically reduce your use of fossil fuels by using natural energy, such as solar energy. You can also invest in a portable power station if you need one, which is much less problematic than a standard generator or using mains power.

It Costs Less
You’ll still usually need a little money when you live off grid – repairs might still have to be made, and you might need some form of transport, for example – but compared to living a standard life surrounded by technology, you’ll need a lot less. Your utility bills will be negligible, and you can – and should, as this is a big part of off grid living – grow your own food.
You can even raise your own livestock, and this could be a good way to make some extra money while it also nourishes you and your family.
For many people, the pursuit of money and being in debt makes life miserable. They dream their time away, wishing things were different and working hard just to pay bills that, if they life off grid, they wouldn’t have to worry about. If you want money to be a problem that other people have, living off grid should be something you try out. It might suit you well.
You Can Reconnect With Nature
In contrast to the hustle and bustle of city life, the “hunter-gatherer” lifestyle, which can be more easily achieved when you live off grid, is peaceful and relaxing. Off-grid settlements are typically located in scenic, far-flung areas rich in natural resources, including lush forests, waterfalls, lakes, and an abundance of wildlife.
Not to mention the clean air and breathtaking scenery. Can you picture yourself drifting off to sleep in the open air and waking up to the sounds of birds and the morning sun instead of the roar of traffic and sirens?
Never again will you be bored while living off the grid; there are always rivers to swim in, animals to watch, fires to make, trees to plant, and pleasure to be found. You’ll never have to look further for space than in your own backyard when you choose to live (and work) in the great outdoors.
You’ll Be Self-Sufficient
It’s easy to become dependent on the government and its services in modern life. We can get anything we want instantly and right at our fingers. Because they are so easily accessible, most individuals fail to recognize their reliance on public utilities. With supply chain problems on the rise, going off the grid is one way to gain independence and become self-sufficient.
When you live off grid, you have to rely on yourself for everything because you have to make your own resources and electricity. So, if there is a blackout or there isn’t enough food at the grocery store, you won’t be as affected. You can just keep on living your life as you always have and enjoying every second of it.
You Won’t Have So Many Possessions
It’s so easy to get into the mindset that having lots of things means you’re successful. The problem is, although this might seem to be the truth, it’s not – things don’t really mean anything.
When you start to live off grid, you’ll soon understand what’s important and what isn’t, and you’ll know that you don’t have to have possessions to be happy.
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