Join the conversation over on my Facebook page! We have fun laughing about all the fun (and not so fun) parts of parenting.
Your turn! Add to this list! What are your least favorite sounds you hear as a mom or dad?
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melissa says
YES! to all of it. just thinking about it makes me shudder!! LOVE THIS POST!!
Annie @ Mama Dweeb says
LOL!! Thank you Melissa!
Elizabeth Wheelock says
I hear you on all of them. Especially, the what’s for dinner part.
sheilacakes says
The sound of Legos pouring on the floor especially when it was a battle to get them picked up like a hour earlier.
anna ~ random handprints says
too funny! i know when my 8 y.o. asks, “mom can i ask you a question” nothing good is going to be coming out next!
Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tired says
Yep. I can’t stand these sounds either. Definitely an ongoing thing in our house. I love the picture! So cute!
Krystyn says
Those are all spot on. What about “mommy, she did….” “it’s not my fault” and “nobody did it”!
Those are heard around here a lot!
Tami says
Here is one for you! You can stop the video after the word HI