Power prices always find their way into the headlines, after all they tend to only increase year after another. While several other energy outlets are being developed, common households are stuck with the conventional gas and electricity, which may require an expertise of electricians.
There is no harm in using these traditional outlets, however there’s no denying the fact that the monthly bills can be back-breaking. Without further ado, here are some intelligent ways that can help you slash those pricey bills.

Take Control of Heating and Cooling
A big part of energy consumption in every household involves maintaining the right temperature. So be it the sweaty summer night or the freezing winters, there is an appliance that is being over-used to the maximum limit. This over-usage is visible in the bill, of course, but there is a solution to this problem, without involving any huge changes. However, the cause of large electrical bills can also be from any damages to the structure of your home, hiring an inspector can be a great investment to find any necessary repairs that needs to be done and they can even give homeowner any advice on how they can improve their home. Poor insulation is one of the main reasons why many homeowners can’t keep a constant temperature inside their home, hiring a roofing contractor can be useful so they can tell you exactly where insulation needs to be added.
If you’re looking for a much efficient and friendly help for your roofing needs and concerns then EAS Roofing might be the answer you’re looking for. Suppose your home or business has been in the path of a hail storm. In that case, your exterior should be inspected by a professional like the ones at baroofers.com as soon as possible. If left untreated, roof damage from hail could end up costing you down the road if the damage spreads to other parts of the building.
In case you want to make sure your house is warm and toasty, here is an effective guide to heating that will help you save on energy costs.
- The key to a warm house lies in insulation, like the one on westbayenergy.com/spray-foam-insulation/. Loft insulation, cavity wall insulation and draught proofing are some long term insulating options.
- For every degree you bring your thermostat down, you can drastically bring your bills down.
- Find your favorite spots to heat. You don’t need to need the whole house just to feel comfortable. Radiator valves will help you control your heat zones.
- Use your heating appliances according to the actual time you are going to spend inside your house. Sensibly timing your energy use can bring down costs instantly.
- Opt for cheaper energy sources. While electricity stays the most used form of energy, it is certainly not the cheapest. Explore different options like heat pumps, gas and LPG. Reduce your bills with low natural gas prices Alberta.
And in case you want to get the coolest summer, try:
- Keeping the vents open. Although we close them to keep the cool air trapped, turns out it actually helps in ventilation thus bringing the temperature of the whole area down.
- Running the ceiling fans counter-clockwise. Hot air tends to move upward as cool air moves down. The counter-clockwise spin of fans pushes the hot air up and out, leaving the room cooler.
- Doing your laundry avoiding the peak hours and in bulks. One can easily know about the peak usage by contacting their service providers.
- Saying hello to power strips. Because there is practically no way of switching off every electrical appliance before going out or in bed, the quick way of doing this is by sticking maximum switches onto the strips and switching them off. You can do this on your own or you can hire a professional to do the residential electrical installs for you.

Upgrading your Appliances
This does call in for some heavy investment, but there’s a reason for why the market comes out with new products every now and then. Most manufacturers understand the need to stay ahead and environment-friendly, therefore they tend to launch appliances that would make the most while consuming little energy.
For some upgrade or repairs, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the boiler engineers.
In addition to this, faulty appliances are a big contributor to the soaring power bills, as they literally waste the energy being supplied. Therefore, if your home calls in for some upgrade or repairs, don’t hesitate to get those LED lights, A-grade freezers, washing and drying machines.
Lastly, there exists one natural instinct that can help you save several hundred bucks- vigilance.
Vigilance it is. Very thoughtful.
We really need to upgrade our appliances, they are all so old and sucking all the electricity for no benefits!
In Pa we are allowed to choose our supplier of energy so that has saved us a ton being able to shop around for prices, While some are charging and alarmingly high rate and another cost nickels for the same energy, it’s amazing what a difference it made, We made a switch and it nearly cut our bill in half. It great because you can lock in your rates.
These are great ideas to reduce energy bills. Ours are always so high this time of year. Luckily, we have a gas furnace, but still!
Great tips! It is always so nice to seem more encourage to being eco friendly and saving energy.
We definitely need to do some of this! We live in a 1922 craftsman style home. It has so much character yet is as drafty as can be!
Changing appliances is one of the greatest ideas. I would really love to invest in buying new ones!
What what a great list of tips!
Great tips! Over the years our thermostat has continued to move: up in the summer and down in the winter. All in the name of a smaller power bill, I think it’s time to stop moving the thermostat and start being smarter with these suggestions you’ve offered. Thanks for the help!
Great tips! I live in a rented flat and the owner has asked for a fixed amount each month, so it balances itself in summer and winter months. Even then I sometimes enjoy candle light bath or dinner as home 🙂
Great advice! Some of these tips are not only beneficial financially, but also help to reduce out carbon footprint!
You provided some great tips here. I am all for reducing energy costs if I can. You are right we could all use vigilance
In my home town the electricity cost keeps increasing so these are great tips to try and reduce the energy bill and make the home more energy efficient. Most older homes were not built with central heating or air conditioning so most people still use fans and electric heaters.
These are great tips! We always try to be mindful of the A/C unit and heating/cooling so that our bill goes down.
These are such great ways to save money and conserve energy. Thanks for sharing.
Great information! Thanks for sharing!
Great tips, very informative
When we updated our furnace a few years ago, I was shocked at the difference in our heating bill. It was 30% less, saving us around $200/month in the winter. Worth the investment.