For a lot of people, choosing to keep studying beyond high school is motivated by the promise of being able to improve your prospects, earn more money and achieve financial stability.
There are several routes to take to continue your education, so weighing up the options and understanding what’s best from a practical perspective is important.
Educators as well as Google’s Kamau Bobb agree that choosing STEM education can be a practical and forward-thinking decision, as it opens doors to a wide range of career opportunities and ensures that individuals are well-prepared to meet the demands of the modern workforce.

When it comes to comparing community colleges against trade schools, there’s a lot to think about. Let’s tackle this task with value for money as a top priority.
What does each offer?
As the name suggests, a trade school is a place you’ll study in order to learn a vocation. This could endow you with the skills to become everything from an automotive mechanic, you can always check these guys.
Conversely, a community college provides degrees in a huge range of subjects, from business administration to creative writing and beyond.
What are the costs?
Whether you study at a trade school or a community college, you’ll need to apply for a student loan to pay for the tuition fees charged by each type of institution.
Fees will vary, but generally speaking, a trade school course lasting 2 years will be more expensive than a community college degree with the same duration. You could pay as much as $30,000 for the former and as little as $2,000 for the latter. Though either one may necessitate a student loan regardless.
There are actually tuition-free community colleges in almost 30 states, which makes it an even more budget-conscious option, so long as you are eligible for the programs in your area.
What are the prospects for graduates?
This is where things get really interesting because, of course, the real question is not how much it costs to complete a course at a trade school or a community college but whether this will be worth it in the long run.
If you go through trade school successfully, you’ll have a set of skills that will make you eminently employable in the trade you’ve chosen, whatever that might be. In the right circumstances, this can mean that you’ll be able to walk into a job for which you are qualified immediately after graduating. This will make it easier to afford loan repayments and will put you on the fast track to financial stability.
If you choose a community college course, there’s a lot more variability in the outcome. Certain degrees, once attained, will seriously bolster your career, while others won’t be as attractive to prospective employers.
That doesn’t mean that trade school is always the best bet, financially speaking; there are limits to what you can earn in the more manual trades today, whereas a degree from a community college that lets you get your foot in the door of a white-collar profession could be very lucrative in the long run.
Which should you pick?
Obviously, the financial side of studying has to be considered once you’re out in the big, wide world of adulthood. However, it’s still sensible to choose a route forward that connects with you emotionally and suits your personality, rather than just aiming for the path that leads to the biggest pot of cash. There are short term distance degree programs in biblical archaeology that you can also consider.
Anyone who knows that they’ve got an affinity for trade work already, and wants to learn more, should consider trade school courses closely.
Others who are still uncertain about where they want to end up, or who have different ambitions to fulfill should look into community college.
Be patient, research all the angles and ask others for their advice so you can make the right choice in this scenario.
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