If you’re recovering from drug or alcohol addiction, that might be a difficult adjustment. Maybe you have felt lost for a long time. Now, you’re on the comeback trail with a brighter future ahead of you.
Treatment for drug addiction can involve all kinds of activities, but giving back to the community is often one of the better ones. Let’s talk about some reasons why you might do that.
It Can Remind You Why You’re Getting Clean
Giving back to the community can remind you why you’re trying to change your life. You may see how wonderful and beautiful your community can be while you’re working to make it better. You might never have noticed that when you were using alcohol or drugs.
Your Drug or Alcohol Use May Have Harmed the Community
You may have damaged the community in some way while you were drinking or doing drugs. Perhaps you vandalized it while you were using your substance of choice. You can make restitution now.
It Helps to Get Outside of Yourself
If you give back to the community, you can get outside of your head. Sometimes, you might feel like you have to drink or use drugs because the rest of the world isn’t as real as your problems. Giving back can help you change that attitude.
You Can See What Cooperation Can Achieve
You might witness firsthand what cooperation can achieve when you give back. Many times, drug use is a solitary and selfish habit. Helping the community is the opposite of that.
You May Have a Court Mandate
You might have been directed to do community service because of a court judgment. If so, you’ll have little choice but to carry out your court-appointed sentence.
You Can Show Your Family That You’ve Changed
You might have disappointed your family often while using alcohol or drugs. If you give back to the community, you can show them that you’re making a genuine effort to do better.
You Can See There Are Always Those Less Fortunate
You might have used drugs or alcohol because you have a woe-is-me mentality. However, if you help the community, you may see that even in the depths of your despair, there were others who had it worse off than you. Helping them can give you clarity.
Giving Back is a Part of Recreating Yourself
If you’re getting away from alcohol or drug use, that can be a process of reinvention. By serving the community, you might discover parts of yourself you never knew existed.
You Can Connect with Others and Avoid Feeling Isolated
You might have felt alone when using alcohol or drugs. You can connect with kindhearted individuals when you give back to the community.
You Can Distract Yourself
Giving back can distract you if you feel the urge to relapse. If you spend time with others doing good, that can be the tonic you need to soothe yourself when you’re feeling a strong need to fall back into old habits.
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