Climate change continues to prove time and time again that we need to start looking at alternative sources of energy. But with solar power on the rise, more and more people are turning to it to help power their homes.
Even some companies have provided incentives to customers who elect to use their solar power options from their solar farms, such as reduced rates on their energy bills every month. But that’s not the only reason you should consider solar energy. So what other profound benefits are there for switching over to solar energy?
Solar Energy Decreases Greenhouse Gas Emissions
When it comes to decreasing greenhouse gas emissions, solar panel companies are the ones stepping up to the plate to solve this problem. This is probably the biggest benefit of changing over to solar panels since fossil fuels create high levels of carbon dioxide in the air. In turn, this has a large negative effect on people’s health and results in ecological damage that may be irreversible if something isn’t done soon.
Solar energy, on the other hand, is a free, renewable, and infinite source of energy that doesn’t have any negative side effects on health or the environment. The easiest way to obtain solar power is through rooftop solutions, since roofs receive the most sunlight throughout the day, whether it is the roof of a home or a skyscraper.
Solar Energy Protects Water Reserves
Traditional electricity uses thousands of liters of water every year. It’s mostly used to cool generators, process and refine fuel, and transport the fuel through pipes. These processes are constantly diminishing the planet’s supply of water, leading to water shortages for communities all over the world. For example, a coal-fired power plant consumes at least 530 liters of water in order to produce 1000 kWh of electricity. On the other hand, solar panels do not require the use of any water, thereby saving the current water reserves.
Solar Energy Decreases The Risk Of Oil Spills
When oil is produced, it needs to be transported somewhere so that it can be used. Whether it’s in trucks or large boats, there are large storage tanks of oil that have the risk of falling apart and spilling oil everywhere. Oil spills have been known to have a detrimental impact on the environment since it’s transported in such large quantities and it’s not easy to clean up. Aquatic animals seem to suffer the most, especially when there are oil spills from huge tankers. Solar energy, on the other hand, plays an important part in safeguarding the oceans, beaches, and coastal regions, including the marine life and wildlife that call these areas their home.
Solar Energy Slows Down Climate Change
When energy is created through solar energy, no greenhouse gases are created, and the more people that start choosing solar, the fewer greenhouse gases are being added to the atmosphere from other energy sources. That isn’t to say that solar panels don’t have any impact on the environment; it’s just a lot less than other sources that are out there. While coal produces about 800 – 1250 grams of CO2 per kWh, solar energy has roughly 41 grams of CO2 per kWh. That’s a massive difference that more and more people should be paying attention to.
Solar Energy Uses Land More Efficiently
When you have to build any kind of power plant to turn coal or natural gas into electricity, you have to build large infrastructures for these processes to happen. That means clearing land of trees, placing foundations, and then adding all of the equipment inside. This takes a lot of time and effort. Solar energy, on the other hand, doesn’t take up nearly as much space. Civilians can install solar power panels on their roofs to be used in their homes. Solar farms may stretch for miles, but they don’t require clearing out trees or grassland. In fact, they put degraded farmland to use, allowing the soil to regenerate so that new grass can grow. A lot is repaired after 25-30 years, which is the natural lifespan of solar panels. They are then removed and the land can be used for agriculture again.
Solar Energy Implements Recyclable Materials
Did you know that solar panels are actually built from recyclable materials? The glass, plastic, aluminum, and silicon wafers are all manufactured from materials that have been placed in recycling bins so that they are given a new purpose. This greatly reduces the amount of waste being produced, further reducing solar energy’s carbon footprint.
Solar Energy Supports Grid Stability
As excess solar electricity is stored, it can be channeled through the grid through net metering. That means that more people have access to more power without overloading the grid. Less brownouts and blackouts are a good thing, especially during those dire moments when you need electricity the most. The added support means that there is less need for repairs to the grid, reducing the risk of fires.
Solar Energy Promotes Energy Independence
It’s a given that solar energy makes it easier for people to rely less on traditional energy sources. This means that consumers have more control over the energy that they’re using and how much. They’re less burdened by the prospect of paying a hefty electricity and energy bill every month. Solar energy even helps them save on those bills, so that puts more money in their pockets.
Solar energy also helps the United States rely less on oil imported from other countries. Relying less on foreign fuel promotes energy independence for the country.
If you want to add solar panels to your home or want to learn more, contact your local solar energy supplier to see what steps you can take. Occasionally, a representative may wish to visit and see if your home could benefit from solar panels and where they should best be installed. Don’t wait; start saving more on your energy bill today and help out the environment.
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