Jennifer Knapp ended her 7 years of musical silence this month with the release of her new album “Letting Go.” She also ended her public silence by declaring she has been in a same sex relationship for 8 years. She is no longer on the Christian record label Gotee records, her new album is under the secular label Gaylin records.
During her 7 years out of the spotlight her fans – including me – wondered when she would release another album. No one knew why she suddenly quit making music, her last full album was “A Diamond in the Rough” released in 2003. She did release a live album in 2006 but that just left her fans asking for more.
I have been a Christian radio DJ since 2002. Before I began this wonderful job I was a devoted Christian music fan. Jennifer Knapp is a fellow Kansan and when she released her first album in 1998 (“Kansas”) I was attracted to her strong voice and honest lyrics. She had a way of saying what was in my heart even when I was in middle school.
My favorite song from that album still is “Martyrs and Thieves.” Her lyrics are so deep and full of truth:
I am not afraid
To bare all my weakness knowing in meekness
I have a kingdom to gain
Jennifer Knapp told CNN that her new album is all about, “inner-conflicts, spirituality and life lessons.” That is what her music has always been about in my mind. But now she is being honest with the world about her sexuality and that will change some Christian’s minds about whether to purchase her album or not.
I know you are dying to hear my thoughts on the matter.
Growing up submerged in Christian music I have seen artists like Amy Grant and Kevin Max Smith (of DC Talk) endure harsh criticism for being in the Christian music spotlight and making less than ideal choices like divorce or public drinking. Since the Bible has such a standard of holiness in it and it is human nature to fall prey to the desire to criticize other people’s choices in life, that is what many people do. I feel sympathy for Amy, Kevin and now Jennifer because being subjected to harsh words of hate is not what they should be going through.
However, do not mistake my values – I do not agree with their choices. It is not right for me to sit and judge people either – I merely know what the Bible says and will uphold that in my life and teach it to my children. I will not embrace the action I consider a sin but I will not hate the person doing it. I treat my gay friends the same way I treat my friends that openly disagree with my faith – I pray for them in the quiet of my bedroom and love them unconditionally. God will determine whom he judges and how, I am so glad I don’t have that responsibility!
Emotionally, I have to say I am shocked. Christian music artists have such an influence on my heart and my faith. Music and poetry reaches me in a way that mere words cannot. So hearing this news has affected me. But reading her words and an explanation of her journey on this article in CNN really cleared up a lot of questions. I suggest it right up there with any other books everyone should read as well.
I think we are all God’s children regardless of race, creed or sexual preference. I hope she finds happiness & continues with the music she loves.
Regardless of anyone’s beliefs, it is always better to just be who you are, than to live a lie. That must have been a mighty burden for her to lift off.
You know what I love about what you wrote?
“It is not right for me to sit and judge people either…. I will not embrace the action — but I will not hate the person doing it. I treat my gay friends the same way I treat my friends that openly disagree with my faith – I pray for them in the quiet of my bedroom and love them unconditionally. God will determine whom he judges and how.”
I don’t judge others and in fact, embrace all but I often feel judged by Christians because of my faith (or lack of) or whatever else.
Even though you are standing by your beliefs (which I don’t agree with), I absolutely respect you for it and more importantly, appreciate that same respect you are giving to me and others.
I don’t think it’s anyone’s place to judge but God. And perhaps he may even decide to punish those who claim to be Christians but often look down upon or cast judgment on those not living they way THEY think they should live.
I commend you for being so open & honest all while stating your belief..but not pushing it on me (us). I hope that you can see that the Jennifer you have always loved and enjoyed, is still the same person. She’s just a little different….just like each of us in our own way.
This is a wonderful comment! It certainly took a bit of courage to write this as my belief is not popular anymore.
And yes, those that claim to be Christians but judge others for not living how THEY think they should are exactly the people Jesus preached against when he was on earth.
Hmm — I’m not sure what to think after reading the CNN article.
I find myself less surprised with her announcement that she’s a lesbian, and more shocked by her wishy-washy statements about faith and being a Christian.
The way she wrote that article — it almost sounds like what she’s really saying is “um. . . I never really meant to get caught up in the Christian world; I was just trying to figure out my own issues and faith (through music) and ended up getting labeled as a ‘Christian’ artist.”
I need to reread it and process it. Perhaps I’ve interpreted her words incorrectly.
While I don’t agree with your beliefs, I commend your honesty and your ability to be respectful!
OK — I went back and reread it a few more times.
And, yeah — I’m still feeling myself react more to her discussion of faith (releasing it and the label of Christian) than the announcement she’s gay.
I guess my surprise comes from having believed her to be a Christian (artist) all of these years; I was working at a Christian bookstore when her first album was released and I LOVED it; she is an amazing song-writer.
To realize that she is turning away from faith is what leaves me saddened. The latter half of her essay sounds as though she is done being a Christian; perhaps she’s just done with the label itself — it’s hard to tell from how she writes.
“We stumble out of our chosen sanctuaries and toward the source of sound that seems to reveal our heart’s longing.”
When I said it cleared up things I did not say what it cleared up for me. Yes, her article is really vague and I agree with your interpretation of it – I think that her entire life she has been searching, not knowing what she really believed. This clears up my previously held belief that she was using her music to evangelize her faith. That was certainly not her goal as I understand it from this article.
I can’t say for certain if she is turning away from what I thought she communicated her faith to be. This article is so confusing! She said she is going to keep singing about “spirituality.” I know a lot of spiritual people that don’t believe in God as the one true god……so that didn’t clear up things either.
Exactly — it is an incredibly confusing article as far as communicating her views on faith (and specifically the Christian faith).
Yes, there are a lot of people who are “spiritual” but don’t believe in Christ and God.
It *almost* sounded like she was going that route.
So odd. (the article, I mean)
I was also raised Christian and I follow that believe in MY life. However, I believe God is the only TRUE judge and I do not worry about what other people are doing right/wrong. Even though this is NOT something that is happening in my life, I treat everyone as I would want to be treated, regardless of sex, age, religion or beliefs 🙂
The Golden Rule is best to go by.
I wont get myself started on this issue, because I enjoy this blog, its articles, giveaways & Annie, very much however.. I wanted to let you ALL know reading this (& even those of you who arent reading this) That…
I respect & love you ALL for who you are, regardless of your color, religion, beliefs, sexual preference, etc.
“Who are you to judge the life I live? I know I’m not perfect and I don’t live to be. But, before you start pointing fingers, make sure your hands are clean.” – Bob Marley
I just wanted to say that this post was very nicely and sensitively written by you Annie. I am a Christian and from what I read, I think our beliefs are very similar.
I don’t think she was saying she was mislabeled musically or trying to be wishy-washy. I think she sees herself as a Christian and gay, but realizes that not everyone would accept that under the Christian Label, which is what she had to come to terms with and be truthful with her audience – so they can make their own decisions.
I respect her choicee and see that it can come as a surprise to people who purchased her records in the past. But we all have to follow what’s in our hearts, as long as it’s not hurting someone else.
I am just on my itouch-I needto get to my computer, but I think your post is brilliant. I adored Jennifer and was so sorry when she disappeared. I am glad if she is making music again. I will read the article and can only pray for her. She is young and sounds like she has wavered from one thing to another.
Lori said what I was thinking. So I agree with her.
I totally agree!!
I hadn’t heard of this and I am really sad to hear it. There is scripture that speaks clearly about homosexuality. You can not be a Christian & a homosexual, the Bible clearly states that. I would not continue to listen to her music or purchase any of her albums because that would mean I would support her chosen lifestyle.
Southern Belle- Beautifully said…I couldn’t agree more!
I think the problem with Christian artists is they are put on a pedastal similar to how the world does there artists. We expect them to be ideal models for us and they are just people who have a gift. They make mistakes just like mechanics, nurses and enginneers. Treat them like people and not idols to be worshipped
I was also saddened to hear this announcement. Although I have never heard much of her music (I started listening to Christian music during her absence) it’s always hard to see someone who has been in the Christians spotlight make a choice like this. I was also saddened to hear about all the Christian artists who are supporting her and her decision even though the Bible plainly speaks against homosexuality. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about it and the link to the CNN article!
Why all the fake “sadness”? All she’s done is confirm what many have been saying behind her back for years. And she’s been respectful to her old fans, who she knows will bury her in condemnation, to give you a heads up before you pollute your oh-so-pure souls w/ her gay self and accidentally buy her new music.
I just love how total strangers to her get to decide she has left her faith. Never mind that she has said, over, and over, and over, ad nauseum that she is very much a Christian. That her faith informs and forms her life, her art, and her spirit. Nope. Y’ll ain’t having it. Never mind that Scripture clearly says that God is the decider here. Not me, not you. God. Period.
Annoyed- you say God’s the decider- you might want to read what He has to say. There’s no fake sadness here, I hope- all of us have to answer to God for our violation of His laws- to see someone walking away from Christ is very much a sad and sobering thing. You can’t be a christian by telling God who He is and what He believes about you- it’s the other way around- we have to respond to His views on us.
God, not us sinners, makes the call. Period. Full stop. Not you. Certainly not me.
And let’s not wordsmith “sadness” for arrogance, or velvet-coated disdain, or a judgment that is not ours to make. For that is only the provenience of the Lord, Our God.
I’m a straight up sinner. No lie. Am I a big ol ‘mo like Ms. Knapp?? No. But I’ve got stuff. I pray that God will grant me mercy get my stuff straight.
I’ve got exactly ZERO time to be judging others., even if I live a long, long, long time (please?). I’ve got my pride, even my false pride, but I’ve been schooled enough to know that Judgment is God’s job, and I’d best deal w/ my own mess. And that is a lifetime’s work.
Let me give my apologies to the nice lady who posted this blog. I am sorry for getting up in your game. If this is not what you want on your blog, please delete me away.I fully respect that this is your space and your community. Like the late. great Odetta sang: “I”m a stranger here, just blown into your town.”
As a bit of backstory, I’m slowly getting my behind off the “spiritual” couch and getting that said part of my anatomy back into a real church on Sundays. The stuff re: Ms. Knapp only caught my attention because I like music.
As a result I have read acres upon acres of virtual hatefilled screed, and so much cut-and-paste clobber verse I’m about to go blind. And I still come back to the same place: I’ve got my pride, I’ve got my ego, I’ve got my opinions, but I am not GOD. God will judge her life, God will judge mine. All else is chatter by my fellow sinners.
I don’t always understand what she is saying: I expect that is more about her being an artist and me … not. But I’m interested in the fact that she is willing to go where the people are, instead of hiding out in some pop ghetto where she will not be questioned.
But at the the end I know that my interest is just that: mine. That the rest of us, either hate-filled or affirming about her life, are of no consequence before the Lord who will be her judge, as He will be mine.
That said, if you are curious about Ms. Knapp the musician, google her at Stereo Subversion where she talks about being an indie musician and how some days her hands hurt too much to play. I won’t hotlink the interviews here because of some rambunctious language but if you can deal w/ a little adult talk, Part Two was a fascinating read (at least if was for me).
I, too, am a Christian. I, too, have long been a fan of Jennifer Knapp’s. I, too, will continue to pray in the quiet of my bedroom, and love unconditionally. Well written post, thanks.
We all judge people, it is human nature. The most important thing is how we treat people. I know you would never treat anyone differently for a choice they made.
And umm…btw, Christians, did you not see this chick being a lesbian from like, 10 miles away? I’ve never even heard of her until now and just Googled her and I could tell she was a sister after about 3 pictures.
Lee 😉
Music is a universal language. It touches us in our souls. I don’t think it should matter who the person kisses before they go to bed at night; especially if the music is meaningful to the person listening to it.
I totally agree with you. I don’t agree with some of what they do…(just as I disagree with some ‘everyday’ people)…but it isn’t my place to judge. There’s only one person who has that right. Not sure if you knew this…but at one time Katy Perry (of “I kissed a girl” fame) was a Christian Artist too. Now whether or not she actually kissed a girl isn’t for me to know (or judge) but it’s not exactly what she started out like. I’ll leave you some links at the bottom of my comment (sorry for the book). Wonderfully written and expressed.
Cheerful Holiday. Let all your desires may possibly come real for you along with your household and let us wish the following year or so become flourishing for everyone us all. Merry Christmas