Even though I have lots of days where I might not feel like it, this is the best time of my life. People wouldn’t write songs like “Let them be little” and “It won’t be like this for long” or “You’re gonna miss this” if it wasn’t true.
I have really hard days though. Days were the morning starts too early and I stumble around in my pjs all morning long. Days where I want to take that smiling housewife with pearls and heels and stab her with her unscratched stilettos. Cause that is not me. My floors are sticky my sink is full of dishes. Reality is I would much rather take Lizzie to the park and the library or play dress up and make cookies then wash dishes and sweep the floor. I do this and little by little the housework piles up. Soon my laundry resembles Mt. Everest – in height and difficulty of tackling.
I have this ideal stay-at-home-mom in my head that I strive to be like. Little miss perfect has some points that I strive to achieve and they are worthy ones to be sure. For example, dressing before meeting the day. I have noticed my entire demeanor and attitude changes when I have a cute outfit on and my hair all fixed versus if I just stay in my greasy hair and ratty clothes.
On my best days, on Sundays, I might be a smidge above normal…..but not much. I have never ever in my life been a fancy girl. I am plan jane but know how to dress up when the occasion arises.
However if I just wash my hair and dress nice – 2 very easy goals to achieve – I think I will be directly at normal and my household moral will improve!
What is my definition of “normal”? Clean hair, clean clothes, a pleasant look. Stylish clothes and makeup not necessary to be normal. I think the addition of accessories and trendy clothes puts you a few spots above normal and when you add perfectly styled hair to all this you are landing pretty close to fancy.
What is my definition of “frumpy”? Uncombed, unwashed hair and unkempt clothes. We all have frumpy days. Days where our energy levels are zapped, the house is atrocious and you feel overwhelmed. I call these frozen pizza days because you just want to stay home and do as little as possible. But this should not be the norm. There was a lady I knew when I was a child and she inspired these lines in a poem I wrote. (I believe I was 10 yrs old or so)
“All care for herself is lost forevermore.
Alas she is worse off than in her youth before.”
Now I am certainly not worse off than in my youth before. More stressed? Certainly! Sleep deprived? Undoubtedly! But as I said earlier, these are the best years of my life. My worries are more and my interest is a lot less on physical appearance than the needs of my family. But I fight the urge to focus on what I miss about my freedom-filled past and instead revel in the joys of this stage of my life.
A very inspiring lady in my Bible Study (who has a daughter my age) gave me this advice, and I hold it close to my heart:
“Annie, you will have many years to have the house as clean and organized as you want later. Enjoy your babies while they are young!”
Melissa says
That’s the same bit of advice my mom gave to me. I have to remind myself of then when I get too far behind in the house work and just want to lock my self in the bedroom!
Jill says
Yes, I am finding this to be more and more true as time goes on, but then I’ll get criticized if my house isn’t clean when people visit. You know, that, what have you been doing with all your time, look. Jeez.
Heather says
I love your post and graphic! Yes, you are in the hard part! Hang in there and do mainly what you love to do with the kids. This time does end–and when they are older, they’ll even help:) Do like 10% of the cleaning…but I think better w/clean house, so two things I have done that helped me were to ask my husband to vacumn the house and wash the kitchen floor. Dirty floors just depress me. He does it willingly–when I first asked I felt bad, because he was at work all day–but he wanted to help, and this way, he knew how. And, he’s stronger and it took him way less time! He’ll vacumn at least 2x a week, and wash floors 1x–and that’s simple to him! (But he hates organizing anything and stinks at that). Also, I put a laundry in the washer when I first get up. every day. It doesn’t even matter what goes in, just whatever I can gather up quick. Then, when I remember it, maybe soon, maybe after lunch….I put in dryer. Then, again, Husband can help–he will actually check the dryer and bring stuff up if I have forgotten, so that’s a useful habit with 5 kids…:)
I understand wanting order, but you are doing the right thing, playing with your babies!!
Marcie W. says
Firstly, I am right there with you! It isnt easy having kids, keeping a house, being a wife, cooking, shopping, running errands, and being a good mom. Plus youre pregnant, which makes it even harder! Then you add running a blog to that, which takes up more time. I understand.
I am a bit opposite because I have to have my house clean. Im OCD in that way, however, it will NEVER be as clean, decorated and neat as Id like to have it. I often hear a similar “enjoy your kids now and keep the house clean later” but it is hard to see it like that.
Id guess I get dressed w/ makeup & all 3 days a week, sometimes 4. The rest are PJs all day, no makeup, hair not done, & shower at night for the next day.
You are not alone friend!
Faythe @GrammyMousetails says
Amen to that sister! to many do not have that luxury today to watch their own babies mile stones and miss all those giggles and smiles, and come home from work to maybe cranky times… so if possible mamas take as long as you can to be home with those precious gifts you brought into the world! they are worth more than a clean house and extra $$ in the bank ( yes the security has a nice feeling, but those cuddles are irreplaceable)!!