The Infantino Cloud Shopping Cart Cover makes the front seat the most desirable one for my kids! And I love that they want to sit in it, because the front of the cart is the safest place for them to be. When Lucy grows a bit more this will be a wonderful place for her to sit as well – especially when she hits the crawling/standing stage. That is where the buckle turns from a safety item to one of sheer necessity to keep her in one spot, and that’s why stores having these carts among other things is amazing, as the good stores always use retail category management to provide the most commodities to their customers.
It really is super fluffy! I have not used it yet because Lucy is so small that taking her to the store is exhausting enough without worrying about another thing to add to my list of things to do to get in and out of the store. But when she gets older I will use it – especially since a 5 months old I want to protect her from all the germs on the carts. (5 months is about the time my babies begin to sit unassisted).
The fluffiness is another huge benefit to it – it does make it kinda bulky, so bring the cart to the car, don’t carry it into the store looking for a cart in there. But the fluffiness makes it so comfy. I know it is comfy cause Lizzie has used it as a pillow already.
The print, I’ll be honest, isn’t my favorite. I can see how fun it will be to teach David his letters and numbers while we are in the store, but it isn’t cute or stylish in my opinion. I hope they create more shopping cart covers in more prints! I like pink paisleys 🙂
And it is machine washable! Definitely a huge plus! Anything that is not machine washable I don’t buy – what is the point? Babies are messy!
Do you use shopping cart covers? What is your experience with them?
Thank you Infantino for the fun I had representing you as a brand ambassador!
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I am a participant in a Mom Central Consulting campaign for Infantino and have received various Infantino products as part of my participation.
we used an Infantino shopping cart cover when Violet was little & it worked great for us!
I use to use one when my kids were little. I love them!
I had a similiar one for my son. I loved these since they did protect him from putting his mouth on the cart. But the downside was carrying around the bulky thing. The one I had had toys and pockets in the back for my coupons.