Lizzie, David and Lucy. Three and half, two and four months old. I change two diapers at a time, clean up two sets of snacks and wash out two sets of disgusting sippy cups every single day. Holding the baby on my hip, I put dishes away with one hand while fetching the juice for the older child in between.
I think bedtime is the most exhausting and most rewarding at the same time. The baby is crying and cranky. Toddler and Preschooler fight bedtime too. But once they are tucked in (quite a feat when I do it on my own!) that is when the true fun and real memories are made. The chatter and heartfelt discussions we have can not be matched!
Yes, I have crazy insane moments. Times when the baby cries, the toddler whines and the preschooler can’t stop asking me questions all at the same time. But then there are those times when Lizzie and David are playing tag in the living room and I “chase” them around with Lucy who cracks up with some deep belly laughs at the hilarity. Or the times when Lucy and Lizzie are sleeping and David crawls on my lap with a heart-melting half smile and says, “I uv ooh mommy.”
Being a mom means craziness and dirty dishes. Stained clothes and dirty fingernails. It also means kisses, hugs, giggles, deep conversations with a preschooler about princes and Disney world and more love than I ever thought I deserved!
What does being a mom mean to you?
I wrote this post while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Johnson’s and received Johnson’s Baby products and a promotional item and to facilitate my post.
nothing matches being a mom for chaos and happiness all rolled together in one. especially at our house when my older two insist on “helping” me with the baby.
thanx for sharing and happy late mother’s day!
You got it! Chaos and happiness all rolled into one. My kids “help” with the baby too. It’s fabulous I tell ya
Thanks for visiting Just One Donna. You’ll finf the pulled pork recipe to be extremely easy. It makes a lot and you can freeze whatever is extra. Don’t you love when you can make multiple meals in one shot?
Well, not to sound toooo sappy but due to infertility it took years to become a mother. I never thought Iwould hear that title for me.
BUT…. two kids later and after many “owies” and butterfly kisses, it’s truly a blessing.
Oh wow, this comment made me smile so much Amy!! Thank you for sharing, children really are a blessing!
Being a mom means knowing unconditional and everlasting love for the first time in my life – knowing absolutely that nothing can ever touch that.
It’s a job of the highest calling (particularly when done to the best of one’s ability) where the pay stinks but the benefits make up for it tenfold.
It’s the greatest blessing I have ever had in my life and even though mine ended with unthinkable heartache of indescribable proportions, I’d do it all over again to have felt what I felt. Nothing can ever take that away.
I am a changed woman.
It’s the best job in the world!