I hate war. I hate what war does to boys. I hate the PTSD and I hate the innocent victims of war.
But the other part of me screams back:
I am such a coward compared to the men and women in the armed forces today. I owe my life to them because they are doing what I could never do.
Deep in my heart, I want to hold every veteran’s hand and look them in the eyes and tell them, “Thank you.” Have they heard this personally? Sure Facebook is plastered with eagles and flags and if you get there in time you can save money on furniture during the sale! But really, sincerely, are the veterans that withstood hell and death given respect, honor, gratitude?
I wonder…
There will always be evil in this world. And until beauty queens get their wish for world peace, there will always be a need for soldiers who will stand up and fight. Today, I challenge you to make a personal connection with a veteran. Don’t just watch a YouTube video, walk a parade or share a post on Facebook. Let this day be more than a day to think about veterans, let it be a day you speak to a veteran in gratitude.
Today, I am looking forward to welcoming my brother home from being deployed. I think of my dear friends who act as single parent while their spouses serve. I think of sleepless nights, nightmares, wounds that never fully heal. Words are just not sufficient. I want to give in some way that makes a difference because what they do makes a difference every day.
Great post. Thank you is a little thing to say that has a big meaning.