I am partnering with Staples to just chat with you about Back To School. For me, this means Back to Routine! What does it mean for you?
I am thrilled to have a set schedule back! Here in the dweeb house, summer was pure freedom. Freedom from schedules, from homework, from activities. My rules were simple – don’t overindulge in screen time, and get plenty of exercise. They had a blast! They visited family members, played with friends, went to a concert, and just enjoyed being kids.
But all this crazy freedom isn’t the best for kids. I am honestly pretty thrilled that it is time for them to go back to school. School just started and we are getting back into the rhythm of things. David is having a pretty difficult time of it. He refuses to go into his Kindergarten class every morning! But eventually, he’ll learn. He’ll get in there.
It still breaks my heart every time I watch him sit on the floor and pout as I leave. UGH.
Just look at my babies! Lucy is in half-day preschool (she is 3.5 years old). David is starting full-day kindergarten for the first time! And my first baby ever – Lizzie Lou – she has homework every day now in 2nd grade. So many firsts, so many new routines to learn.
But here we are! We made it through the summer and back into our routines (almost) unscathed! Now it is back to making school lunches as healthy as time (and money) will allow, trying to remember to pick out clothes the night before, not forgetting to check the homework folder, and making sure everyone gets to their activities on time.
We can do this.
A few fruit snacks and juice boxes won’t hurt them.
Now, anyone have any tips for re-teaching my darling children how to sleep before 9pm so they can actually wake up before 7am? That would be totally fantastic. I think that just like walking into school in the morning, bedtime and morning routines are just going to be bumpy for awhile until they get used to them. Which means another lesson in patience for me.
What about you?
Staples and MamaDweeb would love to hear about your firsts this school year! Share them with us in the comments. (And please share advice for helping my kids get used to the new routines!)
The bedtime drama…we are dreading moving back to an earlier time too. I guess when it gets darker earlier it’s the only positive thing about it!
Back to structure is what it means to me as well. I forgot to video my daughter on the first day of school and ask her some of those questions about what she wants to be.
I think my daughter is as excited about a structured schedule as I am…. definitely looking forward to the routine of each day.
I always wish the kids would go to bed earlier!
Couldn’t agree more about routine! We haven’t given up our bedtimes over the summer, but we’ve definitely gotten sloppy. Next week will be very interesting (and exhausting) around here!
I’m looking for some earlier to bed sleep tips too. We are in rough shape over here. School doesn’t start until Monday and it’s going to be an interesting week!
I love how specific your 2nd grader’s ambition is! Too cute. My son isn’t school aged yet, but I’m still looking forward to the routines that seem to come more easily this time of year, like cooking at home and going to sleep earlier.
I agree that it’s so important to establish routines! At ages 10 and 8, our routines are so ingrained in our kids that they don’t even think twice about them! Wishing you and your family a wonderful start to a new year!