This post is another in my ongoing partnership with Children’s Mercy Hospital. I hope you find this informative and helpful. Please leave questions in the comments section!
As always, I’m a mom, not a doctor. I’m providing helpful information I have found, but please seek a doctor for medical questions.
The flu is a terrible thing to watch your child suffer from. It’s awful enough when you get it, but to watch your sweet baby have trouble breathing and burning up with a fever, it’s almost unbearable.
What do you do to prevent it? Or what can you do to prepare for the flu if it happens so you can handle it better?
6 Things To Do Before Your Child Gets the Flu
I did some of my own research, and here are some of my tips. But I want to hear from you. What have you found helps you get through flu season easiest?
Stock Up On Fluids
Staying hydrated is incredibly important during the flu. Especially during flu season, make sure you have a variety of fluids in your pantry. I know with my kids, they find a bit of comfort in drinking things that are not water.
I keep apple juice and Pedialyte in my pantry just in case.
Get the Flu Vaccine
It is never too late to get the flu vaccine. The old saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It is so true! Make sure everyone in your home is vaccinated, including yourself. You can go to urgent care services in downers grove for Vaccinations and Immunizations.
If you live in Kansas, find a location near you to get one!
Don’t Crowdsource Health Information
For the love of all that this holy, please do not as Facebook if you should take your child to the doctor. Prepare yourself with reliable information from trusted medical sources. That way, if your little happens to get sick, you know for sure what signs to look for and when to treat at home or when to take them in for medical exams.
Kansans: Children’s Mercy has an urgent care facility. I highly suggest urgent care places as they are so convenient. And always get your information from doctors, not friends. You can start looking for doctors in Central Valley at Meritage Medical Network.
Stock Up on Tissues
Another way to prevent the spreading of the flu, is to keep boxes of tissues around the house so that all coughs and sneezes happen into a tissue and throw that tissue away.
Make sure boxes of tissues are stocked in your pantry too! Keep them all over the house so when those sniffles start happening, they are within reach at all times.
Keep This List Handy
Just like I said above, don’t crowdsource. I found a fantastic printable flu information packet from the CDC. It answers questions like “When should I take my child to the doctor” and “Signs of the flu.” If you book mark it or print it, you can reference this immediately when you need it.
Keep Your Child Away from Sick Kids
Yeah, stop laughing. I know this one is pretty ridiculous. But I should add, “if you can help it” to the end.
Playdates? Always ask if the kids have been sick. Prevention is way better than treatment, right? Yup! So even though you can’t control whether parents send sick children to school, you can stay on top of all the other times. But I know this is almost impossible, so good luck.
What are your tips? I would love to hear more!
oh, children easily come down with flu, their immune system is not well enough so parents have to take care of it
More than anything i wish that i had an ear thermometer. I am getting one now because holding the underarm one on a little baby is a nigth mare!
oh you really need to upgrade 🙂 Honestly, underarm ones are terrible. I bought a Vicks behind the ear thermometer and it has lasted for a year now. No issues. And it is better than an in the ear one, because if a child has an ear infection the last thing they want is something in their ear.
yes, get a different thermometer, it is worth the money 🙂