Kayaking is an outdoor activity that is not limited to only adults. It is something kids can also enjoy. That being said, do you have a youth who is looking into kayaks? There is no need to worry because it is an activity that families can enjoy and a great exercise for everyone. With the right knowledge and equipment, kayaking is an activity that everyone can truly enjoy.

6 Things You Need to Know if Your Kids Want to Kayak
Here are 6 things to know about kayaking for your kids.
1. Choose your kayak.
When it comes to any outdoor activity, having the right gear matters a lot. In this case, your kayak is one of the most important things to consider to fully enjoy this activity.
There is a single or tandem kayak to choose from. For children age 10 below, it is advisable to choose a tandem kayak with an adult. Children should be in the front as the person in the backseat will be the one steering the kayak. Get your hands on the best 2 person inflatable kayaks available on the market for a 2 man kayaking team.
Make sure that you consider the Sevylor kayaks too, as they are very good options.
2. Kids can go with a single kayak when they are already fully capable.
Kids can also go with a single kayak but if you do let them with a single kayak, make sure that they are fully equipped and capable of it during the entire trip.
You would not want your kids to tire out and may have a hard time going back home. This is a way to test their abilities and interests, but make sure that they already fully capable of their own for safety.
3. Use a comfortable paddle.
Paddles are important in this activity so choose one that is comfortable for your arms and hands. Usually, standard paddles are wide in the diameter of the handle so kids can properly hold it. Use a paddle specifically made for kids.
4. Let your child wear a PFD that is designed for them.
Safety is of utmost importance to make sure that your child has a PFD fit for them. Do not allow them to wear adult PFD. You’ll want a PFD that will allow your child’s head to float above water.
Consider getting one in a local outdoor shop and do a proper fitting. You can also buy one that has adjustable sides and shoulders to avoid buying a new one every year.
5. Teach them proper paddling technique.
Kayaking is fairly easy and with practice, you will be able to do it easily. That being said, kids can definitely learn it easily by teaching proper paddling techniques.
Teaching them young will help build their good habits in this sport. Before going out into the water, they should already have enough knowledge on how to do it.
6. The body of water matters.
For starters, choose a body of water that is calm so kids can practice well. Avoid going to strong rivers first for safety. Lakes are perfect for kayaking as all of you can be comfortable throughout the entire activity. Choosing the right location matters a lot so do advance research first if you intend to introduce kayaking for youth.
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