As the leaves change colour and drift to the ground, we all know winter is coming. For some of us, this means bundling up in coats and hats and spending time by the fire.
But for others, it means dealing with Old Man Winter – a fickle beast who can be very unforgiving. If you’re one of the latter group, don’t worry – this blog post will discuss how to renovate your home for the long winter ahead.

1) Start with insulation:
This is the most important step. Insulating your home correctly can help keep your energy bills lower during winter and prevent cold drafts from entering through windows and doors. Be sure to check for air leaks around windows, doors, and anywhere else that could be susceptible to outside temperatures.
2) Have your furnace checked:
Before the cold weather sets in, having your furnace inspected by a professional HVAC technician is a good idea. This will ensure that it’s running efficiently and won’t break down when you need it most this winter. In addition, make sure your furnace filter is clean and free of dust and debris.

3) Weatherize windows and doors:
In addition to insulation, weatherizing your windows and doors can help keep cold winter drafts at bay. Install heavy-duty plastic over windows on the inside of the house and caulking around window frames. You can also install weather stripping around doorways or use draft snakes to block any openings that could let in cold air.
4) Invest in a programmable thermostat:
Programmable thermostats are great for saving energy throughout the year but especially during the winter months. These devices allow you to set a certain temperature for when you’re home so that your furnace isn’t running all the time, keeping your energy bills lower.
5) Sealing and sealing some more:
In addition to caulking windows and doors, you can also seal any other air leaks in your home. For example, check for cracks in walls or around outlets and make sure they are properly sealed so that warm air stays inside the house instead of escaping. Additionally, if you have a fireplace, make sure it is correctly sealed, so that warm air doesn’t escape up the chimney. For extra warmth in specific areas once the house is sealed, consider reaching out to an expert to help with installing a low wattage space heater. These heaters are energy-efficient, and provide warmth.
6) Renovating your outdoor building;
If you have any outdoor buildings, such as a shed or garage, now is the time to ensure they are properly insulated and sealed. Check for any air leaks around doors and windows and seal them if necessary. Ensure all pipes in the building are insulated and adequate insulation on walls and ceilings. It would be best if you also made sure of the Shed Bases for rodents and other animals that might try to get in.
In conclusion, by taking these steps, you can rest assured that your home will remain comfortable throughout the cold winter months ahead. So don’t wait – get started today! And remember: when it comes to Old Man Winter, it’s better to be prepared than sorry…so bundle up!
AWESOME !! Good post thanks for share