Hi! I am brining this back because it was so much addicting fun last time! And, I was talking to lots of the bloggers that participated and they all gave me ideas of what they wanted to hear me and everyone say and the names we call things. So I compiled a brand spankin’ new list and even made a button so we can all find our way back here for the link up!
And of course put a linky on your blog too, I have a button if you want to grab it 🙂
If you are totally lost and missed the first dialect vlog hop, you can read that post and get caught up.
How do you say these words?
Roof, Root, Illinois, Arkansas River, Missouri, About, Ask, Abdomen, Especially, Hierarchy, Often, Realtor, Coyote
1. What do you call it when friends get together and eat food outside?
2. What do you call the meal at noon? What about 6pm?
3. What do you call the thing you put your groceries in after you buy them?
4. What is it called when you ride a sled down a snowy hill?
5. What is another word for a stream you find in the woods?
6. What is the piece of furniture you store you clothes in?
7. What do you call the stuff you throw away?
8. What is the huge piece of furniture in your living room that at least 3 people can sit on?
9. What is the common/slang way for where you live to say, “Calm down”?
10. What do you call the colorful candy toppings you put on donuts?
Thanks! Now link up!
Love this! Thanks! About to go upload mine and post it. muhahahahahaha
A cookout huh? I think I’ve heard it called that before. I’ve never heard Arkansas pronounced that way either. I need to get out more. That was fun! Totally going to do one. 🙂
Oh you’re gonna kill me … I didn’t finish watching yours before I uploaded mine and you’re gonna hate what I call that stream of water. he he
That’s funny about the dresser/chest of drawers thing … it’s all just a dresser here.
Can anybody link up to this? Looks fun. I want to give it a try! Great Idea!
I linked up 🙂
And I made a little shout out to you in my video with a little “word suggestion! lol
I love this! It might be just the thing to make me start vloging! I’m from Kansas and the way people say things in KY drives me nuts! LOL
You’re so cute! My husband and I will say ARkansas but only jokingly. Although he’s from Missouri, so maybe they do say it that way and that’s how he picked up on it?!
HAHA at abdomen. You got right on the second try!
The coyotes thing, I’ve heard it both ways. I guess I go back and forth depending on who I’m talking to. If it’s my husband (might be that Missouri thing again), I’ll say coyotes like you did if not, I’ll say it the other way.
I’m off to go shower so I can join in on the actual day this time! Thanks for posting hosting – it’s a lot of fun!
I got all messed up with the cookout/bbq thingy! I guess now that I think about it I’d say grilling out (if we were grilling, which we usually are!)
omg, you said ar-kansas?!! lol too cute!
I played along again and you are definitely going to want to hear my answer to the last question!! 🙂
Ha! I didn’t even know some people pronounce coyote that way! And I love the “hold your horses”. 🙂
Annie, I just visited Nicole in Boston (Good Golly Miss Blondie) and left this comment but I thought you’d appreciate it too!
I think it is because jimmies technically are a type of sprinkle, just like nonpariels are a type of sprinkle too. (You’ll see the jimmies toward the bottom.)
So much fun! Thanks for hosting this Annie. Love it!
Oops – I left my comment on the last how do you say that post LOL. Anywhoos, I’m so glad you did this again!
So fun 🙂 I am finishing uploading mine… the mister joined me, even. I love that you said not “crick”! LOL
I totally love this Annie, are you going to keep doing it?
I’ve heard of a cookout. I think hold your horses is too cute!
How fun! I played along and linked up!
love t! I’ll join in on round 2 too
You can still join in now – I only have these once every 2 weeks or so and it isn’t a meme for a specific day. I give people time to hear about it, load their video and hop around 🙂
I’d love for you to join next time though too! I am still working on a new list, gonna take awhile, cause I really want some funny and unique words and phrases to really show off our origins!
You are just too darn cute!
I love the way you say Arkansas River, that is just so funny.
I’m originally from New England and I know some people call those things on donuts “Jimmies” but I still call them sprinkles – either way it’s acceptable.
Going to do mine, even though it’s late because I JUST LOVE THESE!!!
I can’t wait for the next one! I had a blast! Hugs!
I’ve never heard anyone say Arkansas River that way. I say it that way when I’m joking around or something. 😀
I’m a little late but I got my video up today.