Just because something has LEGO Star Wars on it, doesn’t meant you have to store the LEGOs in it. Thankfully, David has not discovered LEGOS yet. But every Wednesday, we take Lizzie to ballet and have 45 minutes to waste in boredom spend creatively together. The Neat-Oh is a super adorable and easy to cary bag that doubles as a play mat. David currently carries his trains in them.
It is small enough that even Lucy can carry it! If you have a child with small toys, the Neat-Oh line cannot be passed up. They have lots of different styles/themes and all of them are fun for kids to carry around. My kids actually enjoy putting their trains in there! For now. I know the fun will wear off.
You can purchase the Millenium Falcon carrier for only $15 from their site. Or get it from Amazon.com too!
Time for the funnies!!
I asked my Facebook friends to tell me what Lucy is thinking in this picture. Here is what they said! Please tell me in the comments what you think Lucy is thinking!
Then, go check out the Neat-Oh site and find the storage solution perfect for your child.
I received the Neat Oh to review. All opinions are 100% my own.
I love the portable storage case. It would be great for my little grandson who likes to carry all his little toys around. This would make a great Christmas gift.
Thank you Debbie! It really is soooo adorable to watch Lucy carry this thing around 🙂 I bet your little grandson would LOVE it!
Cute storage solution! Looking for creative storage ideas myself. 🙂 those toys are everywhere! Glad I found your site on Thee Networking Blog Hop!
Thank you Kathie! And yes, the messiness of LEGOS is one reason I have not yet purchased my son a set. But maybe with NEAT-Oh I can contain the mess a bit? LOL who knows.
I am off to visit your blog!