Every morning I rub my eyes. The darkness outside mocks me as I start my day before the sun has to start his. I open my cabinet door and clumsily reach for a coffee mug. As the steamy coffee fills my cup, my weary mind begins to perk up. It is Pavlovian, and predictable. I fill my cup with creamer, hold it, allowing the heat to warm my hands. I breathe deeply as I take my first sip. The coffee runs down my throat, caffeine surges through my blood. My brain begins to wake up, my steps become quicker, my thoughts clear.
Every sip is magical. My drug of choice, what wakes me up and helps me accomplish my tasks before the sun even rises. You can also use a milk frother to produce barista-quality coffee at home without investing in a coffee machine. Read these honest ikea milk frother reviews online if you’re planning to buy one.
This post is brought to you by the wonderful folks over at Seattle’s Best Coffee. All opinions are totally mine.
I asked my friends to share their love of coffee with me. The answers ranged from “You want me to drink coffee…trust me!” to describing coffee as necessary and a lifeline. Sarah frequently tells her children “No talkie before coffee” – and I agree with that funny saying. In the morning, thoughts just do not make sense before coffee.
Tiffany even made a hilarious video describing her mad love for coffee. I remember feeling just like Eliza, who said, “Coffee takes me from the Big Bad Wolf back to Mom on the days I was up all night with the baby.”
And a few responded on Twitter too:
The taste of coffee is so important – even to a “I’ll have coffee with my creamer” girl like me. “Large cubes will melt slowly, prolonging the coffee from becoming diluted,” via Huffpost.com “Or just request light ice.” I want that first sip to be smooth and gentle. Seattle’s Best has the perfect coffee flavor for everyone and a money back guarantee to back it up. If you try a cup and don’t enjoy it, they will give you a refund on the entire bag!
Seattle’s Best Coffee Coupon! Go to the Seattle’s Best Coffee page and print off a $2 off coupon! Then, you can try a bag for yourself. If you don’t know where to find Seattle’s Best, use their store locator. They sent me a bag to try and it is coffee perfection – rich, yet smooth. I am in love!
What is coffee to you?
How would you like to win a vintage Seattle’s Best Coffee T-Shirt? All you have to do is join the discussion on Twitter and Instagram about the great taste of Seattle’s Best Coffee. Use #GreatTaste & @Seattlesbest when you Tweet and Instagram about coffee, every post is an entry to win! There are more chances to win on the #GreatTaste website too – good luck!
Please “like” Seattle’s Best Coffee on Facebook – join coffee lovers like you to discuss the wonders of this amazing “nectar of the gods”:
This blog post is part of a paid SocialMoms and Seattle’s Best Coffee blogging program. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own.
I’m the odd one out. I don’t drink coffee & I’m not a fan of the smell either.
Coffee is my #1 necessity.
NO JOKE I refer to my morning cup as LIQUID OF LIFE 🙂
I’ve only recently started to drink coffee… for me it’s the glue in a crazy day!!
Funny, I just wrote a post this week about the health benefits of coffee for Babble. Coffee is my fuel.
I can’t get through my day without coffee!! I have it morning noon and night!!
Coffee helps me find my happy place when wine is not appropriate 😉 Much needed.