What kind of sleeper are you? I bet you have no idea what this means about your personality!

If you’ve ever slept next to someone in your entire life, you may have noticed that not everyone sleeps the same way. There are a variety of sleeping styles including fetal position, stomach, back, and side. People also have different placements of the arms and head within each of those positions.
Some people sleep a certain way because of injury or convenience, but most people have a preference on the most comfortable way of sleeping that works for them. So what about you? Find out what your sleeping position says about your personality!
Fetal Position
Fetal sleeping is probably the most natural way sleeping position. It’s something you’ve been doing from the earliest stages of life, in your mother’s womb and as a baby. These sleepers feel like they have a great desire to feel understood, and appreciate when others are sympathetic to their needs. They don’t necessarily need to be babied, but they do like to be taken care of and protected.
These sleepers become angry when they are misunderstood. Often, they have a hard shell, and can be shy at first, but open up quickly as soon as they trust someone. They aren’t always the center of attention but can work their way into the public light very easily. A fetal position sleeper would make a great writer or actor. A fetal position sleeper should work on becoming more independent.
Stomach Sleepers
Stomach sleepers are natural born leaders and often very assertive, even to a degree of bossiness. They are very organized and prefer to plan every little detail they do not appreciate something surprising them whatsoever.
They are amazing planners, but because of this often become control freaks. They also can become defensive when people try to tell them another way is right or that they could improve. Stomach sleepers make great CEO’s or event planners.
Side Sleepers
Side Sleepers are social butterflies! They are friendly, popular, and carefree. People love and trust them. However, they can be extremely trusting back, can be extremely gullible, and are often taken advantage of.
Side sleepers need a lot of physical support, and should have the correct pillow that’s designed for that position. You need to choose the right kind of mattress for side sleepers. Mattress topper for side sleepers will support your pressure points and turns an uncomfortable mattress into a light fluffy cloud that supports you without you disappearing into it.
Side sleepers are pretty awesome at connecting with people. So they make amazing real estate agents, bartenders, hair stylists, and marketing professionals.
Of course, if you are a person who changes often between all of these positions, you’re not alone. This can likely mean that you have a multi-faceted personality! You may find you’re sleeping one way or the other more depending on what’s going on in your life.
When this occurs, check this article again and see if it matches up with what’s going on in your life. The good news is there are no right or wrong ways to sleep. The most important thing is to get enough sleep.
Back Sleepers who Stretch Out
Stretched out back sleepers are positive people who love life and are always open to new experiences and travel adventures. They love being comfortable and full of light. They are often the party people or the center of attention. A stretched out back sleeper is probably the kid you generalized in school as a “surfer dude” or “party animal”.
Stretched out back sleepers are amazing at keeping everyone relaxed. Where they can use some improvement is in organization and goal-setting. Stretched out back sleepers make wonderful entrepreneurs and workers in the technology field, like for internet startups. They’re also amazing musicians.
Back Sleepers with Arms at Sides
Back sleepers with their arms at their sides sleep in the position of toy soldiers. Just like soldiers they are quiet and somewhat reserved. They live by their strict ethical and moral codes, almost to a fault. They can exhibit a great deal of bravery, but can also be extremely stubborn. They make great policemen, soldiers, judges, lawyers, and other keepers of justice and law.
One-Leg Raised Sleepers
One leg raised sleepers are unpredictable in every sense of the word. They are always up for wild experiences and amazing adventures. Because of this they live life to the fullest but often don’t understand why people around them aren’t doing the same, or following their dreams.
They do not tolerate fools gladly and can be extremely moody and incredibly indecisive. One-leg raised sleepers make great zoo-keepers, carnival workers, travel bloggers, or gourmet chefs.
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