Fly away in an island experience with these DIY margarita bath bombs. These are both relaxing and invigorating at the same time!

The Exotic Relaxation of Margarita Bath Bombs
People say that one of the best ways to destress is by soaking in a hot bath. The water soothes your muscles and helps your mind relax.
It’s even easier to unwind when you have the right scents around you. That’s why I love using bath bombs!
These margarita bath bombs smell like you are on a beach! You are going to love them!

What’s In Margarita Bath Bombs
All bath bombs use the same base ingredients – this is what makes them fizz and helps them stick together in the ball shape.
- Baking Soda
- Citric Acid
- Cornstarch
- Epsom Salts
What makes these stand out is the additional ingredients that smell and feel like you are on the beach:
- Lime essential oil
- Coconut Oil
- Witch Hazel
- Gold Green Mica Powder
- Margarita Sprinkles Blend
The sprinkles are a ton of fun and make them look all beachy!
These are the perfect gift for a summertime wedding shower or birthday. More ???? ideas at

How To Make Margarita Bath Bombs
The complete instructions are listed in the printable recipe card at the bottom of this post. First, I have some photos of the most important steps, along with some tips that I found the most helpful.
Get All Your Supplies Together
The very first step is to get all your ingredients in one place. This is a messy craft, so I I recommend doing it somewhere you can easily sweep and clean up.

Mix Dry And Wet Ingredients Separately
Mix up the dry ingredients in a large bowl and the liquid ingredients in a smaller bowl. The best way to mix the dry ones is by whisking them. Using a flour sifter will also do the trick.

Don’t Let The Liquid Fizz
As you begin adding the liquid mixture to the bowl of dry ingredients, mix it in very slowly. You don’t want any of it to fizz. If it fizzes, the bath bombs won’t stick together in the mold.

Add Green-Gold Mica Powder Last
Wait until after you add the liquid ingredients to mix in the green-gold mica powder. Feel free to add as much as you want to get the color you desire.

Dust Mold With Cornstarch
This step is very important. To prevent your bath bomb from sticking to the mold, dust the mold with corn starch first.
Then, add your sprinkles to the bottom of the mold before you start piling on the sandy mixture. This will make them appear on the outside of the bath bombs, just like in my picture.

Fill Your Molds
Now you are finally ready to start filling your molds. Add what you think is “too much” to the mold. Believe me, you want it to feel overfilled.

Overfill the Molds
This is what it should look like when you put the two sides of the bath bomb mold together. You want it to be so full you can barely close it. This helps both sides stick together better.

Wait 24 Hours
The hardest part of all is setting your molds down and walking away for an entire day! Let them sit overnight and all day. They need to dry and harden a bit before you even try to open the molds.
Don’t peek. If you open them too early, they will crumble and fall apart!

Margarita Bath Bombs With Lime Essential Oil
I used lime essential oil in mine because it has uplifting and invigorating properties. It will clear your mind and give you more mental energy.
Use these when you are feeling foggy and need to reset and refresh your mind. They will do the trick!

Lime essential oil also supports a healthy immune system. If you are feeling run down, take a bath with one of these bath bombs and it will not only clear your mind but help your body become stronger too.
Here is the entire tutorial, along with all the tools and supplies you need too! Don’t forget to pin this post and share it with your friends!

Margarita Bath Bombs
Enjoy feeling like you are on vacation on the beach with these DIY margarita bath bombs.
- 1 cup baking soda
- 1/2 cup citric acid
- 1/2 cup cornstarch
- 1/4 cup Epsom salts
- 2 tbsp melted coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp lime essential oil
- 2 tsp witch hazel
- 1 tsp gold green mica powder
- 2-4 tablespoons margarita sprinkles blend
- 4-5 large bath bomb molds
- Whisk together the baking soda, citric acid, cornstarch, and Epsom salts.
In a second bowl, combine the melted coconut oil, essential oil blend, and witch hazel together, mixing well. - Add liquid ingredients 1 tsp at a time to the dry ingredients, mixing it together slowly so as not to start the fizzy reaction.
- To the bath bomb mixture, add in the gold-green mica powder and mix well. If you want more color, add some additional mica powder in 1 tsp increments.
- Dust the bottom of one side of one of the bath bomb molds with cornstarch. The sprinkle side tends to come out on its own, so do not bother to dust that side with cornstarch.
- Place about 1 tsp of sprinkles in the non-dusted side of the bath bomb mold.
- Immediately pack the bath bomb mold with the sprinkles overly full of the green mixture. You want there to be excess mixture to help bond the two sides of the mold together. Repeat with one of the cornstarch-dusted sides of the bath bomb molds.
- Press the two sides of the bath bomb mold together, grinding and pressing them to force the two together.
- Allow the bath bombs to rest in the mold for up to 24 hours before gently tapping the side of the mold to release the bombs.
- Use your bath bombs immediately or store them in an airtight container until you’re ready to use it!
More DIY Beauty Tutorials
Here are some more DIY beauty projects you can make if you enjoyed these margarita bath bombs!
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