This is part of a series of Summer Camp posts brought to you by Camp Wood, YMCA.
It is that time! Time to register your little blessing(s) for summer camp! I live in Kansas, and I am going to be making this a very geographically specific post. If you know someone from Kansas, pass this along!
(*waving* Hi everyone from all the other places in the world! Let me know in the comments where you are from and whether you are signing anyone up for camp too!)
I picked my favorite 10 camps. There is a pretty thorough list here though if you are interested in more.
- Camp Wood, YMCA – Register – They have some pretty awesome camps and registration is open now! They have family camps, horse camps, and even skateboard camps for those who want to use their equipment like the onewheel lock from The Float Life!
- Kansas Bible Camp – Register – Children as young as 4th grade and up to high school can register for any of their Summer camps. I went to this camp as a kid and had amazing memories. I loved the staff, the chapel lessons, the worship, and the entire Summer camp experience. You may also visit sites like for kids’ bible lessons.
- Chippewa –Register – Camp Chippewa is another faith-based camp and is located near Ottawa, Kansas. They have a camp for kids age Kindergarten-3rd grade (parent/guardian required) which is a wonderful way to introduce young ones to camp.
- Kaos space camp – Register – If your child is interested in science and outer space, this camp is awesome! They have sessions for as young as 2nd grade and advanced ones for high schoolers! This is not an overnight camp, it is a day camp with learning sessions.
- KOA Camp (Scouts) Information – Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts of America have campouts every year. Get involved and sign up! Our local scouts use the KOA Camp grounds and I’ve heard amazing things about them.
- 4-H – Information – 4H is a fabulous county-level organization for children and youth to learn skills and work with animals. They have camps every summer and I would definitely check with your local 4H to see which ones are available near you!
- KSU – Information – Kansas State University has a large selection of summer camps every year. From cheer camps to sports camps to academically-focused camps, you will find one that matches your child’s interest.
- KU – Information – Kansas University in Lawrence, Kansas also has camps. It stood out to me that KU has a School of Pharmacy camp!
- Youthfront Register – This is another Christian Camp! They work closely with churches, find one near you!
Ok Kansas friends – what camps did I leave out? There are so many that I couldn’t list them all. If you live near a college or university, search their website for camp opportunities for children.
Do you send your child to camp? What kind?
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