One of the most important things I do as a parent is allowing my children to tap into their creative spirit and be free to express their thoughts and ideas. I think this is so important because our children are the future and creativity will be the catalyst that changes the world. Exploration of new thoughts and ideas is what makes the world a better place.
So how can I inspire more creativity?
One way to stimulate this to expose them to the arts. Children need to listen to music, paint, draw, sing, dance, write, scrapbook, watch movies, play games.
Teaching Kids Creativity In Nature
I’ve also noticed that my kids’ creative minds open up incredibly when we go outside and just enjoy nature. Children need to run through a field, wade in a stream, play in the snow, go for a walk, dig in the sand, play in the rain. I teach my children to see the beauty in the world around them. Exploring nature can inspire the creative spirit and the arts can inspire an appreciation of nature.
Music That Inspires
One important element of this is music. I prefer to expose my children to a wide variety of music. I’ve noticed that some parents often push children into liking a certain type of music. This is simply a result of listening to what you like. I think It’s important to allow children to explore a variety of music styles. Look for artists who draw inspiration from the passions around them.
One artist who understands this connection is John Ross Jesensky. He talks about finding inspiration in the things he is passionate about and how it contributes to the music he creates.
“While I am absolutely passionate about my music and my composition, I also understand that being passionate about hiking or surfing or gardening deepens my musical output in ways I am not even capable of realizing.” Exposing children to artists who encourage exploration of passions and how that relates to creativity like John Jesensky is time well spent.
Art As Inspiration
My kids love to create their own birthday cards for people. Every single birthday, they get out their colored pencils and paper and create meaningful cards straight from their heart. My kids also enjoy when we purchase canvases and some paint and tell them to have fun. Another enjoyable art project is making crafts for various holidays. For example, we make Christmas ornaments every year and add them to our tree.
Some other ideas we have done as a family include taking a trip to the Smithsonian National Art Museum in Washington, DC and going to various theatrical performances such as Mary Poppins. Some of my best memories have been made while exploring the arts as a family with our children.
How Do You Inspire Creativity?
Share with me how you inspire your kids to be creative!
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